(deactivated member)
on 7/29/09 9:54 pm - Middle River, MD
Wow!!  Short/long week for me!!!  This humidity is horrible!  Mom's been having a tough time with her asthma since before we left for the beach, so she went back to the doctor's yesterday.  They gave her a double breathing treatment and a shot, so hopefully, she'll be on the road to recovery now.

Today, I'm grateful for:

1.  Good hair!!  Took me a long time to say that, too!  I was REALLY apprehensive about getting a body wave before I went to the beach, but I really like it - my hair holds a curl all day now!

2.  That I resisted the carb monster last night and again this a.m.  While we were at the beach, we bought some dark chocolate orange butter creams (about 1/2 pound).  I'd actually forgotten about them, but last night, spied them on the hutch.  I avoided them by grabbing a chocolate protein shake and hightailed it to bed.  This a.m., I happened to see them again, and ALMOST grabbed one, thinking, "Just one won't hurt!" but I know me and that one, indeed, would start an avalanche.  So I grabbed 2 pieces of salami!!!!!  LOL!!!  It's HARD!!!!

3.  That I heard from my good friend, Skulldoctor Mike.  I was thinking about him yesterday and called to tell him so, and he texted me back.  He's such a sweet guy and a good friend.  He promises to come play with us soon - but be warned, you might be shocked at some of the things he says.  Me, I just roll my eyes at him because I know he's a whole lotta guff!!!  It's always nice to connect with friends, and it's even better when you know they're true friends, who will back you up and do anything for you!

Okay, that's it for me!!!  Hope you have a great day!

on 7/29/09 10:35 pm - Randallstown, MD
Today I am thankful for:

1. Family and friends

2. Connecting with a old friend from high school and having dinner yesterday in Pikesville at Mari Luna Latin Rest.. food was delish but way too much food.. 

3. It's almost Friday and I get to play social butterfly this weekend.. (white party tomorrow night, sat..b-b-que, sun gonna visit my grandmom)

4. Did I mention it is almost Friday!!

Have a great day

(deactivated member)
on 7/29/09 11:03 pm - Middle River, MD

Hey Danielle!

I've never been to Mari Luna, but have heard it's good.  Since it was way too much food, maybe we can go there and share!!!  Let me know when is good for you - it's right across the street from my office.

What's a white party?  Do you (duh!) have to wear all white?

Amen, it's almost Friday!

Have a great day!



on 7/30/09 10:28 pm - Randallstown, MD
Sure we can go and share.. maybe next week..just let me know what day is good for you..I can do anyday except Wed's we have mandatory meetings every Wed....:o(

Yes it was so much food..I had dinner for 2 days and even the hubby ate some..

Yes you suppose to wear all white to the party...however, i do not have anything all white that I can fit..so I may run to Ross, Marshall's or New York and Co to see if I can find something on clearance..
(deactivated member)
on 7/30/09 10:30 pm - Middle River, MD
Would you rather do dinner or lunch?  Actually, next week MAY not be a good idea - I'm having a tooth pulled on Tuesday, and unfortunately, I've had problems with dry sockets, etc., afterward, so I don't want to commit and then cancel on you.  But the next week - cool!!!

If you don't have any luck on the clearance racks and you get desperate, try White House/Black Market in the Festival at Woodholme - at the opposite end from Al Pacino Cafe.


Darla P.
on 7/29/09 10:37 pm - Timonium, MD
Good Morning

Glad the hair thing is working out for you :  I got a perm last week and am loving it!

I feel like a black cloud is hanging over my head this week :  seems like everything is going WRONG;

1.  For Bestbuy warrenties :  Yes I know I used this one back in May;  but the new TV
has gone up so although its a pain in the ass all I have to do is take the set up and they will fix
or replace it.
2.  For being able to borrow Mom's car while mine is sitting at home waiting for the
rim to arrive>  I drove on the small spare home Tuesday and roundtrip yesterday
and I didn't want to risk driving on it again!

3.  For my gym membership :  Last night I did the weight circuit and treadmill -  FINALLY
Dr had given me permission to start up again yesterday afternoon so I did:  though I must
admit I much prefer water classes and my reformer class!

4. for my emailing buddies :  although I need to remind myself not to read them
on my cell phone while waiting in the Dr's office. LOL  I was literally laughing out loud
when the Dr came in. 

Darla     -



(deactivated member)
on 7/29/09 11:00 pm - Middle River, MD

You got a perm?  With the same old hairdresser?  :(  LOL!!  That's okay, as long as you're happy with it!!!

Blow that black cloud away, because you KNOW it can always be worse!!!

OMG!  Your tv went up AGAIN?  Oh, I'd be blowing a gasket at BB. 

Happy to provide a laugh anytime; although I'm sure your mailbox was overflowing!!!!  Those girls make me smile/laugh out loud, too!!

Here's hoping for a better day!



Darla P.
on 7/30/09 2:49 am - Timonium, MD
and the black cloud contines :

The "new" rim arrived damaged - another day til a new one arrives  or should I say the new new one LOL
Darla     -



(deactivated member)
on 7/30/09 2:51 am - Middle River, MD
Okay, so the black cloud has now moved from you to the dealership.

Breathe in, breathe out....repeat.

on 7/30/09 12:22 am - Owings Mills, MD

I am so glad to hear you got a perm that you are loving!  Good for you!

as for Best Buy,  I've been very pleased with their policies.
Ticker is from Day of Surgery.. weight goal is personal preference as I've MET my doctor's goal



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