(deactivated member)
on 7/27/09 10:10 pm - Middle River, MD
Good morning!!!  Wow!!!  The humidity is pretty intense this a.m. - I feel like I need to keep wiping my monitor clear!!  Hope everyone is doing well!  I caught up on what I missed while I was off the boards yesterday, and of course, my girls kept me well updated.  My desk isn't as bad as I'd feared, despite my boss calling yesterday JUST to tell me that I should come to work wearing my running shoes (he's very Chicken Little-ish).  So it doesn't appear that the sky is falling - yet.  I did learn of some cuts here at work, so I guess that'll start me off.

Today, I'm grateful for:

1.  That I have a job.  So many others don't, and even long-time employees are being given notice.  These continue to be scary times.

2.  My time with KB - We had an end of vacay lunch yesterday, and even though they were plucking each other's (and my nerves), we had a nice time.  I spent some time getting caught up on laundry at their house.  I don't know why, because it seemed we did a lot of laundry while we were gone. 

3.  That Happy seems to be adjusting to a different toy, since we were incredibly stupid and left her fave at the beach.  She still "looks" for her pink dumbbell, but she's got others to take her mind off of it.  Insane, huh?  I know, but that's my baby!!!!

Okay, I've got lots of envelopes to open and sort through, so now it's YOUR turn!

Have a great day!


on 7/27/09 10:22 pm - Anne Arundel County, MD
((( Tia )))

Welcome back!   I missed you MUCHLY .. when I had the time to be lurking that is .. time is precious these days and I have been swamped.

I'll go with your #1 .   I am blessed to have a job that pays me well, challenges me daily, and I truly enjoy (most days .. lol).

#2) my 3 little furry bundles of love.   I let them have the run of most of the rest of the house over the weekend, so now sleeping at night is a challenge.   They all 3 have to find a place on or 'near' Mommy and if I move, they wake up and the finding a place starts all over again.   Now that they have more house to explore, I am no longer their favorite 'toy' when I come home.   They run to see me, then scamper off to see what else they can get into.   Though at some point, they all 3 have to see if they can fit in my lap for a group kitty hug.

#3) My WLS and the life it has given to me.   I am constantly grateful that I can move and do things that were out of reach for me 5 plus years ago.    We have been out with Mack several times recently, and believe me the sight of me heaving myself up into the truck is not pretty, but I can do it without help (most times ).   Mr Mo sometimes pulls out the step stool for me, but I try to pull myself up and generally make it.

The scale is back to where it was before Christmas, and hopefully will continue its downward trend.   I've been been limiting the processed stuff and 'white' carbs because they get caught up in my braces and I can see the difference.   I think for a while I wasn't eating enough .. period .. so I am adding back stuff, but concentrating on protein first and some healthy carbs!

Looking forward to the picnic on the 23rd ?

Hugs, Mo

Comparison is the thief of joy!

If we spend our time comparing our life/weight loss/body to others, we totally miss what WE have accomplished.   Keep in mind how far you have come and what you can do now that you couldn't do weeks/months/years ago.   I hate the expression " It's all good", but in this case it fits!   Wherever you are in your journey  ... It's ALL good!!!

(deactivated member)
on 7/27/09 10:26 pm - Middle River, MD

My Moie!!!!

Missed you, too!!!  Before I forget, today is Terry M.'s 4th surgiversary.  She has no time to be on here, so I'm not sure I'll do a post, but I did call and leave her a message first thing this a.m.  The two of you were my very firstest MD Board friends, and you both remain two of my best!!!  MUAH!!!

Awwww, the kitties!!!  Such love buncles!!

I'm glad your scale is cooperating (with the help of your braces).  It's hard, especially when you're as far out as we are, but we're proof positive that it IS possible.  I, too, have been severely limiting refined carbs and overall junk, and focusing just on protein.  I have found it to be easier getting back on track after the beach!  Here's crossed fingers for BOTH of us!!

Yep, the potluck is still on for the 23rd, I'm guessing I need to do a post on that soon, huh?

Love and miss you!



on 7/27/09 10:36 pm - crofton, MD
Good Morning Ti and Mo. Tia glad you are back and you had a nice time with your family. I am also happy when anyone has a job. These are scary times. Mo glad you are well and your fur babies are doing good. I am sure they are happy. Tell Mr. Mo our family says hello. Today I am so tired between the hospital and home I am beat. I am so angry that the hospital did not do any type of xrays or MRIs on my Mo until last week after we told them she had fallen on her back. Now they say she has 2 fractures and will have a procedure today to cement the bones. I am so pissed. Now I wonder with the PT's coming and pulling her up with a strap for therapy have hurt her more. I swear I think we should call a lawyer. Today I am thankful for.
1) Mom still fighting.
2) This board it is the best place to go when you are way passed stressed. A great escape.
3) My special friend who no matter what stands beside me and understands the HELL we are going through. Thank you dear.
4) My scale has stayed stable even though I have been eating a little to much.
5) All of you. Your thoughts and prayers. Please keep them coming. We appreciate them..

(deactivated member)
on 7/27/09 10:46 pm - Middle River, MD

Hi Julie -

You and your Mom were in my thoughts while I was away; I'm sorry that this is happening to you, I know how incredibly exhausting and stressful these types of situations are.

Just try to hang in there and take care of yourself, okay?  It's hard to do when all of your thoughts are centered on your Mom, but you won't be any good to her if you don't.



on 7/27/09 11:07 pm - crofton, MD
Thank you Tia for your thoughts they mean so much. I did not want your mind consumed with problems while you were away. I do hope you got rest. I am trying to take care of myself and today I feel like I have a major sinus infection kicking in..
on 7/27/09 10:58 pm - Anne Arundel County, MD
((( Julie )))

Thinking about you and your Mom.   There are times when the medical professionals do not seem to have ANY sense whatsoever !!!!

While I am thinking about it, we have reservations at DB for Wed, 9/16 through til Mon 9/21.  We were supposed to have a group, but so far it seems like everyone else has dropped out.   Since we can't get our $$$ back, we will likely still be there.   If you are there that weekend you will get to meet the furry children!

Hugs, Mo

Comparison is the thief of joy!

If we spend our time comparing our life/weight loss/body to others, we totally miss what WE have accomplished.   Keep in mind how far you have come and what you can do now that you couldn't do weeks/months/years ago.   I hate the expression " It's all good", but in this case it fits!   Wherever you are in your journey  ... It's ALL good!!!

on 7/27/09 11:09 pm - crofton, MD
Mo that will be great I am sure I will be there. I would love to meet your babies. I hope you are doing well. Thanks for your thoughts.
Darla P.
on 7/27/09 10:59 pm - Timonium, MD

Good Morning Everyone:

Welcome back Tia:  even though we kept in touch via cell phone I still missed you!!!

Did you manage to find the dumbbell on the internet?  I know Cuddles had a particular favorite
stuffed animal- unfortunatly she used to play rough with it and I swear I bought at least half a dozen lamb heads LOL  manufacturers need to use extra strength thread on dog toys LOL

There are so many things I am grateful for but I will try and limit the list to three!

1.  Kathy and I are making some vacay plans:  our Cruise to Lose got cancelled for this
year so we are thinking of maybe Jacksonville -  I have a brother who lives there and I am hoping we can stay with him so we don't have to spend money on a hotel LOL

2.  For the friends I have made during the past 2.5 years  - again due to my WLS
It is so nice to have friends who understand and have walked in the same shoes.
I am especially grateful for my exercise buddy Debbie-  It is great to know
that I get to see her at least 3 times a week -  she is a source of inspiration and
I hope I am to her as well! 

3.  For my determination to get back to my exercise routine.  Last nights
reformer class was full of WOW moments for me :  First I managed to do
some exercises with relative ease that I could not do as recently as a
couple of months ago.  Second I am begining to overcome my fear of
falling :  Its still there trust me but I am getting  a bit better.
Last night we had to stand on the reformer:  something that quite
frankly has bought me to tears a couple times - then spread the legs apart
and do that 10 times - then we had to "sit"  bend our knees while keeping
the back straight - then spread the legs again -  Trust me this is really scary
for someone with a fear of falling LOL 

So have a great day everyone!

Darla     -



(deactivated member)
on 7/27/09 11:17 pm - Middle River, MD

Thanks, Darla!!  Missed you, too!  But you're right, it's like you were right there!!!!

Well, I found LOTS of dumbbells on the internet, but nothing quite the same - she has three, but they're almost too big, so I need to keep looking for something smaller.

I was wondering what kind of vacay plans you'd make.  I'm SO sorry the cruise was cancelled.  Hopefully, next year, I'll be able to go.  I'm looking into planning another beach weekend for us, maybe in October.

I'm in awe that you're overcoming your fear of falling - it's one I share and understand!  Good job!!!




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