TGI FRIDAY ~ The Daily Check in
Good Morning Maryland... (and PA and WV and VA and DE)
Here's hoping the storms did not drown anyone last night.
Aren't we all glad it's Friday!
Today will be a semi short day for me.
I have a mammogram at 4 pm. PSA ladies... get those boobies smooshed when you're told to. I have a friend who had one done last year and it caught something that when biopsied showed MICROSCOPIC cancer cells. She finished Radiation this week. Her life was saved by 5 minutes of discomfort.
Men need to do manual exams as they are also susceptible to Breast Cancer.
last night we ran some errands. We got tray tables that have legs that slide under the couch/bed so that they hold the computer close to you without getting in the way (like hospital bed trays) those will come in handy...
we had a lovely dinner at Chef Paulino's on Frederick Road in Catonsville. I even have enough left over for my lunch today...
then we went to my favorite walmart in Arbutus and I got apple drink sticks!!!!!!!!
they also had SOBE water for $1.00 per bottle so we stocked up in those.
I finally got the movie TWILIGHT (thanks KATHY) for girl child. the two disc set so I can't wait to see what extras are on it.
Got home late. had girl child harvest the cabbage but I planted at nearly midnight... oy that facebook...
tonite after the boobie smoosh we are having dinner with friends, then games
tomorrow is dog training morning then games all day and night again
Sunday... brunch with hubby and my younger son!!!!!!!!
then maybe hopefully dog park
again my stomach is queasy... seems to be a regular morning thing lately.. hmmm....
Here's hoping the storms did not drown anyone last night.
Aren't we all glad it's Friday!
Today will be a semi short day for me.
I have a mammogram at 4 pm. PSA ladies... get those boobies smooshed when you're told to. I have a friend who had one done last year and it caught something that when biopsied showed MICROSCOPIC cancer cells. She finished Radiation this week. Her life was saved by 5 minutes of discomfort.
Men need to do manual exams as they are also susceptible to Breast Cancer.
last night we ran some errands. We got tray tables that have legs that slide under the couch/bed so that they hold the computer close to you without getting in the way (like hospital bed trays) those will come in handy...
we had a lovely dinner at Chef Paulino's on Frederick Road in Catonsville. I even have enough left over for my lunch today...
then we went to my favorite walmart in Arbutus and I got apple drink sticks!!!!!!!!
they also had SOBE water for $1.00 per bottle so we stocked up in those.
I finally got the movie TWILIGHT (thanks KATHY) for girl child. the two disc set so I can't wait to see what extras are on it.
Got home late. had girl child harvest the cabbage but I planted at nearly midnight... oy that facebook...
tonite after the boobie smoosh we are having dinner with friends, then games
tomorrow is dog training morning then games all day and night again
Sunday... brunch with hubby and my younger son!!!!!!!!
then maybe hopefully dog park
again my stomach is queasy... seems to be a regular morning thing lately.. hmmm....
Nessa, Your day seems like lots of fun. I actually enjoy my mammogram since losing some weight. Now I can still sit in the waiting room, while my breasts are in the exam room! LOL Where did you find those tables that you are going to use with your laptop? I remember queasy stomach in the am, it happened 2x, once in '82, and once in '83, their names are Andrew and David!!! Have a great weekend!! Leslie:)
Nessa, Your day seems like lots of fun. I actually enjoy my mammogram since losing some weight. Now I can still sit in the waiting room, while my breasts are in the exam room! LOL Where did you find those tables that you are going to use with your laptop? I remember queasy stomach in the am, it happened 2x, once in '82, and once in '83, their names are Andrew and David!!! Have a great weekend!! Leslie:)
On July 24, 2009 at 5:15 AM Pacific Time, charliegirlten wrote:
GOOD MORNINGNessa, Your day seems like lots of fun. I actually enjoy my mammogram since losing some weight. Now I can still sit in the waiting room, while my breasts are in the exam room! LOL Where did you find those tables that you are going to use with your laptop? I remember queasy stomach in the am, it happened 2x, once in '82, and once in '83, their names are Andrew and David!!! Have a great weekend!! Leslie:)
we found those tables at Bed Bath and Beyond. They were $29.99 each.
We saw some interesting ones made just for laptops (with lights and all) and the legs extended but I did not think they would fit over our still large tummies...
was the table made by " MY PLACE" and has a book light attached on the side with a place for a mouse? If so, I just bought the same one @ BB&B. I love it, it works great on the couch, chair or bed. This one was 29.99 also. I can't stand the heat that comes out under the laptop. By the way any names yet for queasy tummy '09??? LOL Leslie:)
was the table made by " MY PLACE" and has a book light attached on the side with a place for a mouse? If so, I just bought the same one @ BB&B. I love it, it works great on the couch, chair or bed. This one was 29.99 also. I can't stand the heat that comes out under the laptop. By the way any names yet for queasy tummy '09??? LOL Leslie:)
On July 24, 2009 at 5:47 AM Pacific Time, charliegirlten wrote:
Nessa,was the table made by " MY PLACE" and has a book light attached on the side with a place for a mouse? If so, I just bought the same one @ BB&B. I love it, it works great on the couch, chair or bed. This one was 29.99 also. I can't stand the heat that comes out under the laptop. By the way any names yet for queasy tummy '09??? LOL Leslie:)
for laptop heat we have fans that sit under the laptops and plug into a USB port.
well I do. DH has some monster gamming thing that his laptop sits in...
as for naming the queasy stomach of '09... STFU comes to mind.
heck I'm ready for the 17 y.o. bonus child to leave home...
I think the box was basically white, but it had purple on the sides, and plastic handles, and yes,the tray is black. I didn't see the ones that stand on the floor. I really like the one I got, but I am going to look for those fans that go under the laptop. I think BB&B has them. Yippee! another coupon! As for the name of queasy '09, I think STFU is perfect, because it's the kind of name that goes well if STFU the 2nd is needed!
Adios, Leslie

On July 24, 2009 at 12:10 PM Pacific Time, grammom wrote:
where u get the baby lol i love it
if you hold your mouse over the baby it will give you the link: