Good Morning Maryland/3 things for Monday
I for one had a boring weekend and am so glad to have work to keep me busy this
1. That the cramping from last week and the weekend is gone
2. That Tia and family arrived safely at the beach
3. That I am finally able to get back to exercise. I went 3 times last week and the
scale is down 5 Lbs. This morning. I know I'm tooting my own horn but
for months the scale went up and down the same 5 lbs. - I'm at 132 Lbs. loss
as of this morning and I am so HAPPY

4. For a nice lunch after church yesterday celebrating our Pastors 40th anniversary in the ministry and he was also installed as our sole pastor yesterday. Some of you
know this is after a two year call process and much debate by members of our church.
So have a wonderful day everyone
Congrats on losing those 5 lbs. TOOT That horn!!! 132 lbs... CON-Ga-Rats!
I unfortunately seemed to have found some of them! *Aargh!%@*!* I had a rough week last week for some reason.
Glad your cramps are gone and that you got in the exercise that we know you love!
Glad Tia arrived safely. Its nice knowing that all of our friends are safe.
more days

glad to have dr and class to do tuesday and pulmonary wednesday
Glad to have family and friends whom support me .
Darla glad you are doing well and your scale has gone down. I hope your cramping stays away for good. I am happy you are HAPPY thats such a great feeling.. Today I still am struggling for things to be happy and grateful for but I am going to give it a shot.
1) Mom is still hanging in there even with all the seizure med changes. I hate that they put her on it as it makes her so groggy and lethargic.
2) I am thankful for my friends and their understanding during this hard time.
3) I guess I can say I am Happy to be here and alive..
Please keep my Mom in your thoughts and prayers it means so much...
I am so glad to know tht you are feeling better.
Girl Congratulations on your 5lb loss! 132 lbs loss girl that is super FANTASTIC!!!
Congrats to your pastor!!!!
Today I am grateful:
1. That Tia and family arrived safely at the beach and they are having a great time.
2. for a great weekend
4. great friends that are always so loving, supportive unconditionally.
Have a wonderful Monday Darla!!
I am who I am and accept my feelings wholeheartedly.
Those that mind don't matter, and those that matter don't mind.
Cira 249/144.0 current/goal 154/ 5'3" 10 lbs below my Dr's goal