Hi Lesie,
The last time she posted was like July 7th.
She is probably getting things ready and enjoying the summer. I hope she posts soon.
The last time she posted was like July 7th.
She is probably getting things ready and enjoying the summer. I hope she posts soon.
I am who I am and accept my feelings wholeheartedly.
Those that mind don't matter, and those that matter don't mind.
Cira 249/144.0 current/goal 154/ 5'3" 10 lbs below my Dr's goal
Shes due to have surgery around same time as me right? I have not heard anything , hope all is ok, i know i cant stay off lol of here trying to get **** togeather Tia was going to get me the list of what i need for two weeks and now shes @ the ocean doing what i want to lol and ibet a lot more, you go girl, and i want to know Cira , what the hell i need at home when i come back from surgery? protien? shakes?ivtamin? what can you help me here sweetie cause im going shopping saturday wish you were here id take ya with me
im getting scared too

I don't know where you live, but I have a huge jug of the protein powder and chewable vitamins, and probably others also. Things that I used for 1 week and then I switched to something else, due to catching a virus after surgery. Let me know if you could use this. I know it will save you a little bit of$$$, but the way I look at it, anything saved is a bonus. I would love for someone to put it to use! Let me know, Leslie:)
Do you think I was a neurotic mother when my kids were younger? I would see your post a couple of times a week, then you got approved, and then you vanished!! Glad you were on vacation, hope you had a great time, and think that was pretty close to the last time, you weren't thrilled to be in a bathing suit! Next summer, Ocean City, BIKINI!! LOL Glad to know everything is A OK, and welcome back! Leslie:)