3 Things for Thursday
Today I am Grateful for:
1. Friends who pull me off the ledge when I'm getting too close LOL
2. Heating pads
3. Physical Therapist gave me the OK to go back to my weight circut and
Pilates !!!!!!!
4. That Tia is taking a well deserved vacation next week ! Have fun at
the beach and think of the rest of us here slaving away!
Have a good day everyone!
Morning Darla,
WOOHOO on your clearance for weights and Pilates...I know your excited!!
Today, I'm grateful...
1. For a super short commute from my hotel to the shipyard.
2. That one day is done on this trip and hopefully only 2 to go! Can you tell I hate to travel!
3. For my hubby for taking care of my furbabies while I'm away. When I was single they had to be boarded when I traveled and I know they are much happier to be at home!
4. That Tia gets to go to the beach on Saturday...and that I get to visit her next week, although I wish I got to be there for much longer!!
Okay, off to the shipyards...have a great day all!
Darla, Good Morning, Glad just like you to have friends who pull you back and save our butts when needed. I also have a close relationship with heating pads sort of like a best friend. I do Hope Tia has a great beach week I have always said a beach week be it rain or shine is better that being at work or doing housework.
Today I am Thankful for.
1) OH and friends who understand this weight loss.
2) Mom is still hanging in there. I asked her yesterday did she want to go to OC she said not today maybe later. I then said what do you like there she said Pizza and fries.
3) Acupuncture and my gal Jan she understands what I am going through and she cried with me yesterday.
Have a great day everyone.
First and foremost, I'm grateful for the friendships on the OH board. Had I not embarked on this journey, I would have never known such great people and found a sister in the process.
Second, that Tia is having a very well deserved break and sunny skies ahead for her, rain or shine! Heck, if it rains, her personality is awesome enough to still have fun. Nothing sets her back. Gotta love that girl, even though she might look like......

Third, that today is a beautiful day and I have the evening off from JCPenneys, and I'm so looking forward to it.
Fourth, my friends on OH that make me giggle all day long with antics and photos.
Fifth, the scale is still moving in the right direction, this is the longest I've gone without a stall, (and now watch the stall start right now. LOL)
Okay, I've exceeded my limit of the 3 grateful things, hopefully no one charges me overdraft fees.
Darla, so glad you got cleared to resume weights and Pilates! Boxer, you mean you don't get to sleep on the ship? How rude!!! lol. Candy that picture was just WRONG!!! lol. It's gonna be so quiet w/o Tia here for the next week or so. Wonder if she's taking her lap top? Tia - we miss youuuuu.
Today i'm grateful for the beautiful summer flowers. I just love looking at all the bright, vibrant colors around, including my own yard. My snap dragons are in full bloom right now, my hibiscus are starting to open finally and my Rose of Sharon is going to town opening as well. I love this time of year.
I'm also grateful for my family. My mom lives with sister Laurie down in Florida. Mom's been going thru some health stuff lately and my sisters down there are so good with her, taking her to appointments, living with her.... I'm so fortunate to have the great family that I do. I know not everyone is so lucky. I wish I could live closer to join in caring for mom and all the family fun, but at least I don't have to worry about her.
I'm also very thankful for Facebook. Yea, that may sound odd, but I'm connecting with some 'long lost' family. I've never lived near my cousins (I was in FL they were in WI) so we were never able to forge truly close relationships, and we only saw each other maybe once a year, but now many of us are reconnecting on FB. This is so cool - I totally look forward to getting to know them better, as adults. One of my dear cousins is a river raft guide in Charleston, WV... I'm so dying to go there one day and have him take me on the rapids.