1. That I've still got it! And that apparently, people still want it!! I was approached about a job yesterday, still within the Department, but after much soul searching and listening to my instincts, I turned it down for personal reasons. And you'll know that they must have been darn good reasons when I tell you that this job was T-H-R-E-E miles from my home. 3. I know, I know. It's just not the right time, regardless of how much I ***** about the one I currently have. I've found that as long as I go with my instincts, I'm usually never wrong. Such is life!
2. That I've got enough clothes so I don't have to do any laundry for the trip and all of my clothes are in a basket, waiting to be packed. Easy-peasy!
3. My scale shows another pound down, for a total now of 9 pounds since July 6!!! WOO-HOO!!! I'm shooting for a 10 pound loss by the time I leave for the beach, which I think is attainable!!!!
I did have a dream last night that I ate some chocolate!! LOL!! Granted, in my dream, it was only 3 mini pieces, but I knew, as soon as I put the last piece in my mouth, that it was the wrong thing to do!! Sometimes, our subconscious is LOUD!!
4. For the PM's, phone calls, texts and emails from my friends - especially the ones who just lurk on here!! Thanks! Love you guys!! That's what makes these 4 post-op years worth it!
Have a wonderful day!
1. That my son got put on medication for depression.........

2. That I will get to reconnect tomorrow with 2 good friends from high school
3. That I have stepped way out of my comfort zone this past year in doing things I would have not done before wls
Have a great Wednesday. I will be off Friday and Monday....yoo-hoo!
Morning sweetness!!!
A friend of mine says, "There are two types of people in the world - those who are on medication, and those who should be!" There's a lot of truth said in jest. Meds can be quite effective, and I hope that he, and ultimately you, get some relief. Depression is as debilitating as other diseases, and very misunderstood.
You know, I was thinking that I might, if you don't mind, call you on Sunday, see when you might be at the beach house, and bring my parents by so they could see your gorgeous place. Again, if you don't mind. I, of course, would call first!!
Have a wonderful time with your girls!!
I will keep your son in my thoughts and prayers.
There was a time when I had to be on depression medication for 2 years. It helped me so much.
Have a wonderful time with your friends.
Wanna share with me what you've been up to? You can always pm me.
I am who I am and accept my feelings wholeheartedly.
Those that mind don't matter, and those that matter don't mind.
Cira 249/144.0 current/goal 154/ 5'3" 10 lbs below my Dr's goal
I am so rested this morning I can not stand it: Might have come from the exercise.
1. My pool classes last night : HAD a blast - was laughing so hard at one point
I got a mouth full of sal****er LOL!. Hadn't been for a couple weeks an I missed
it so much. Stacia kep****ching me to make sure my face didn't contort with pain.
2. For my furbaby : when I got home last night Dad was looking out the window
and I heard him yell " Cuddles Mommy's home" As I approached the door
Cuddles was rounding the corner and skidded into the storm door - Gotta
love that furbaby welcome!!!
3. For the energy to to go to the MAC 2 hours Monday and 3 hours yesterday!
Have a great day everyone
Morning Cuddles's Mommy!! Thank you again!
Ummmm.........Darla? Close your mouth!!! LOL!!!! I have visions of Debbie doing chest compressions!! LOL!!! Funny, we were just talking about her and I got an email from her! Yay!
You are rocking the gym!!! Now....what'd you eat this a.m.??? LOL!!! You KNOW I love you or I wouldn't care!!