Awwww (((Hugs)))) First of all NEVER APOLOGIZE for VENTING! That is what we are all here for honey. And everyone has had issues with extra skin and extra weight around the belly. You still did what you had to do to SAVE YOUR LIFE!!!! I dont like that the skin is hurting your back though sweetie your insurance may cover plastics due to that. You should call them. (((Hugs)))
Thanks for caring Jilly, I was really having a bad day. Hopefully I had my fill for a while! I have all my Dr's documenting my issues with the skin hanging. I wish I knew a brainy engineer, who could invent something to hold up this skin. They would become a multi millionaire! Right? Thanks again, Leslie
Oh Leslie, I can so empathize. Although I do not have the pain that you are experiencing, I do have the skin issues. Still, when I compare my life now to what it was, I would not have made a different decision other than having done something about this sooner (as you mentioned). Hopefully, through documentation, you will be able to get support for the plastics later to improve things and make your transformation complete!
Wishing you all the best!
Wishing you all the best!