I OFTEN have a hard time understanding your posts, as they seem very convoluted.
Are you deliberately being rude to Carol? If so, be gone with you, because there is NO place on this board for racism.
If I've completely misconstrued what you've said, please clarify. As a GERMAN AMERICAN (on both sides) myself, I'm already insulted by what you've said.
Me thinks if I can build up my new reference , I might be able to get some free stuff or at least moved to the front of the line.
I can't see anything but stupidity here.
I have experience in reverse discrimination, and affirmative action or inclusion gone amok. I have a good relationship with CASA, inclusion regulators and multi-race employment agencies just to keep the race wheel greased.
In order to do business in Baltimore City they rate you through a point system. Several of the points are awarded base on female ownership and or minority ownership. In Baltimore vendors, contractors create black women owned straw companies and then hire the most qualified of any color. At one time this may have affected the playing field. But those scales have tilted . Questioning these practices labeled you a racist if you made and argument about it, you were scrubbed from A list. NOT ANYMORE. If you look at the new growth of dessention, you will see it growing in the suburbs and the heartland. it is," we're are white and are the "new minority ." We just what an EQUAL OPPORTUNITY AND EQUAL RIGHTS.
The Harbor Center in PG county on the Potomac river is bogged down due to affirmative action inclusion rules. Not enough skilled and educated black workers in the DC metro area The project is millions over budget due to delays. Contractors are importing black workers from Michigan to work and are paying hugh amounts for these workers. The local agencies are pressured by minority caucuses to take job site pictures and count colors. Spot checks can close the job sites down for days.
And recently, my niece applied to Rutgers and was told her application would not meet their quota and inclusion requirements for the fall semester. Wrong color again . A Dean's list transfer from MD U
It may take stupid, fly in your face remarks to get changes made. I dont live behind a door and have had first hand experience in these discriminatory practices.
Sorry for the rant
I just dont understand the term African American
So what term SHOULD she have used? Would "ethnically challenged" have been better?
I just don't get your point! She was not asking for any special treatment, privileges, etc., the woman is a pre-op, and needed an actual answer, not a diatribe from someone who posts on various boards with non-sensical bull****!!! And YES, I said bull****!
Although you may have meant no harm, all your post did was stir the pot.
I'd be careful here, people close ranks pretty quickly. Perhaps you'd be better served posting this on R&R?
My apology for the diatribe and rant. On the bull**** part. Its the BULL**** thats makes these boards enjoyable. I dont take much of what is said on these boards seriously and would trust other dont. The medical and science advice is all over the place. Many of the nurses try to set it straight and kudos for them. These boards are mildly informative and very entertaining.
And "BULL ****" packaged and delivered well can equal truth
Proven over and over for centuries