My first toastmasters speech
I joined toastmasters to help my public speaking and I am doing my first speech tomorrow. I wanted to get your opinion on what you think. the task was to talk about yourself, something you consider important and it has to be between 4-7 minutes. I also will be showing a couple slides to go along.
On March 25th, 1977 I was born to two Italian-american parents in south jersey. I grew up in Hammonton New Jersey, the self professed blueberry capital of the world. I don’t know if it is still true, but at one time, Hammonton had the highest concentration of Italian American’s in the whole country! I grew up around lots of farms and packed blueberries starting when I was 12 years old. [slide one shown]
Since I can remember, I was a chubby girl. My mom blames my grandmother feeding me too much pastina but I think genetics and too many refined carbohydrates were to blame, pastina being one of them! [slide two shown] My first weight loss memory was when I was 8. I walked into a building with wood floors that made every step resonate and there were chairs around in a circle. I walked into a smaller room, where I stepped up onto a scale to be weighed. Yes, my mother had brought me to weigh****chers.
Over the years, I tried to lose weight. I got involved in dancing. I did jazz and ballet until my senior year in high school. I actually was pretty good, even though I had a little extra to lug around. My senior year was one of the worst times for me. My body went through some changes probably due to the lack of exercise. I developed a condition called PCOS, which is a group of symptoms including insulin resistance and infertility being the main ones. The insulin resistance caused me to be extremely hungry all the time. Over a years’ time, I gained a significant amount of weight. I finally went to the doctor and was diagnosed with this condition and treatment helped stabilize many of the symptoms. I went to college and even started losing weight, doing a low carb diet. But a history of bad eating and the stress of school caused me to use food in an unhealthy way. My weight climbed to an extremely unhealthy 280 lbs.
When I moved to Maryland, after graduating from college, my weight crept up about ten lbs per year until I reached my highest weight of 345. At that point, after using every possible solution in the book to control my eating, I decided to get weight loss surgery. It was not an easy decision to make. I was permanently rearranging my insides! But I had decided I wanted a life worth living and if this is what I had to do, it was worth it. I got approved fairly quickly and had my surgery. The day of surgery I was fine. I mean, I wasn’t scared, wasn’t freaking out about what I was about to do. It was the day after that I really started to freak! The first two weeks after surgery, I was a miserable wreck. I missed food so much!
Over the next 9 months, I lost 100 lbs. I am so much healthier. My energy cannot even be compared. I am now more active in my community as well as having a very active social life. To help myself continue losing as well as help others, I because a support group leader through a wonderful weight loss surgery website called ObesityHelp. Through the website I have access to many tools and lots of information to help someone be completely successful after surgery. I have had a couple meeting so far but it takes time to build a group. [slide three shown] I hope one day to be a motivational speaker, which brings me to why I am here. I want to inspire others to make the changes in their life they need to be happier and healthier. I hope my first speech will lead me to that final goal.