Do you.....
I don't, but Dad always ALWAYS peppers his cantaloupe. Never understood it myself! And on the comment someone made about sugar on tomatoes...I cannot wait for my tomatoes to get growing faster so I can make some fried green tomatoes with a sprinkle of sugar on top! LOL My grandmother always made them in the summer time so it's like nostalgia for me
Hmm, I'll have to try the powdered sugar! Probably sticks better! Gunnings has deep fried green pepper rings that they top with powdered sugar - sounds strange, but they are interestingly delish - haven't had these for over 14 years, but they still have them!
As for mayo on corn, UBER ICK!!! Not sure I should poo poo the mayo on fried sweet potatoes only because pre-op I was known for dipping french fries in mayo!
As for mayo on corn, UBER ICK!!! Not sure I should poo poo the mayo on fried sweet potatoes only because pre-op I was known for dipping french fries in mayo!