Please Please have patience. I am computer challenged. Tia, I saw where you said you can type 110t words a min, if I would time myself it would probably be 10. I am on a disadvantage, since I only use 2 fingers. I guess if I used all 10 my speed would increase! Anyway, I was able to follow the directions for the weight ticker, but for the life of me, I CAN'T figure out the Avatar, or pictures. If someone could be kind enough to lay it out step by step, I would so appreciate it! The only criteria is lay it out like you would for a 5yr old! No kidding! So, if anyone is up for this challenge, I commend you! Thanks in advance, Leslie:)
ok for both of those you go to your profile
(top of page look for 'my account and click on it)
the SETTINGS page should come up
and there are tabs that say:
click on avatar
and then you can upload it from your computer (a folder you have but you should know where it is)
but make sure it's not too big (you can send it to me to resize it for you if you like)
as for signature that would be under the message board tab and you just copy and paste the ticker on it I believe...
(top of page look for 'my account and click on it)
the SETTINGS page should come up
and there are tabs that say:
click on avatar
and then you can upload it from your computer (a folder you have but you should know where it is)
but make sure it's not too big (you can send it to me to resize it for you if you like)
as for signature that would be under the message board tab and you just copy and paste the ticker on it I believe...
Thanks Nessa! You really took your time and followed my directions to a tee. Any 5yr old could definitely follow your steps. I just got home and I am not up for this challenge tonight, but will attempt this in the am. I will let you know how it goes, actually if you still see an blank avatar, you will know how it went!! LOL, Thanks again, Leslie:)

well before I became a computer geek I thought I wanted to be a teacher so I had a bunch of teaching under my belt before I left school. the funny thing is my degree is in Psychology. go figure.
feel free to pm me with any problems. sometimes it's hard to explain things. text is such a limited media.
feel free to pm me with any problems. sometimes it's hard to explain things. text is such a limited media.