I did, honey, sorry I didn't answer! I saw it first thing this a.m. - I was dead!!
I am SO sorry you're going through all of this. I WILL give you a call once the office is vacated this afternoon.
Tell Prince Hunter that he and Auntie Tia have a date at the Bel Air Chuck E. Cheese when I come back from the beach!
I am SO sorry you're going through all of this. I WILL give you a call once the office is vacated this afternoon.
Tell Prince Hunter that he and Auntie Tia have a date at the Bel Air Chuck E. Cheese when I come back from the beach!
Darn, I missed morning by just a couple of minutes. Had to go straight to working when I walked in this morning.
Thanking God for you that you have the office to yourself this afternoon. I know exactly how you feel...can't get anything done with people in and out all the time!
B is funny! I felt the same way when I was a kid though. I didn't appreciate the gourmet meals that my mother slaved over and always looked forward to when she and my dad would go out...TV DINNERS!! LOL...kids!
Today, I'm grateful...
1. That Mike drove to the Electrician's Union today to officially make himself available for hire. He missed his certification by 1 point but can still get hired (thank GOD) and is eligible to take the test again in 6 months. Think good thoughts that he gets hired quickly!!!!
2. For the wonderful support given and received on this board. I think many of us rely on it to get through our days and to have a successful journey!
3. For my newISH circle of friends gained through belonging to this board. I've met the most wonderful people through it and cannot imagine my life without you from now on!!
Have a great day all!
Thanking God for you that you have the office to yourself this afternoon. I know exactly how you feel...can't get anything done with people in and out all the time!
B is funny! I felt the same way when I was a kid though. I didn't appreciate the gourmet meals that my mother slaved over and always looked forward to when she and my dad would go out...TV DINNERS!! LOL...kids!
Today, I'm grateful...
1. That Mike drove to the Electrician's Union today to officially make himself available for hire. He missed his certification by 1 point but can still get hired (thank GOD) and is eligible to take the test again in 6 months. Think good thoughts that he gets hired quickly!!!!
2. For the wonderful support given and received on this board. I think many of us rely on it to get through our days and to have a successful journey!
3. For my newISH circle of friends gained through belonging to this board. I've met the most wonderful people through it and cannot imagine my life without you from now on!!
Have a great day all!
That's okay, love, I always know how to find you!! BWA-HAA-HAA!!
ARRRGH!! ONE POINT? Okay, crossing my fingers that SOMETHING comes up. Sheesh!!
Thank YOU for your friendship - I was just telling someone this a.m. how AWESOMEST you are!! She agreed!!!
Remember the Carmine's story? When Gary and I took KB to NYC, we ate there, and B didn't want to get too full because he wanted to "save room for a McDonald's double cheeseburger!" Hey, as long as he eats SOMETHING!!!
No, YOU'RE the best!!! I love that I can look at you and KNOW instantly what you're thinking - and it usually mirrors what I'm thinking!!! LOL!!!
Oh, yeah, sitting in Carmine's, I ordered B these ginormous meatballs - oh, soooo yummy with sauce, etc. (he loves meatballs). He eats one (you got 6 for $21), and I said, "B, are you full?" and he says, "Well, almost, but I noticed a McDonald's out there on the street" (Times Square), so yep, we had to go to McDonald's!!!
*shaking my head*
Oh, yeah, sitting in Carmine's, I ordered B these ginormous meatballs - oh, soooo yummy with sauce, etc. (he loves meatballs). He eats one (you got 6 for $21), and I said, "B, are you full?" and he says, "Well, almost, but I noticed a McDonald's out there on the street" (Times Square), so yep, we had to go to McDonald's!!!
*shaking my head*