What kind of Driver would you say you are?
1. The Joads
Like Steinbeck’s “Grapes of Wrath" family, they’re on the move with all their worldly goods strapped to the pickup truck. Neatness doesn’t count: This is a scarecrow of a vehicle, with furniture stacked on other furniture, boxes set at precarious angles to keep the furniture from bumping and chair legs sticking out wildly. Joads going for the world record put sheets of plywood upright along the sides of the truck bed, so they can stack even higher. In a sudden stop, beware of maxed-out bungee cords holding it all together, or you may become a Joad by default.
2. Supersonic Hero
This driver approaches warp speed while sliding from lane to lane around other vehicles. The only way to get there faster is a “Star Trek" transporter, if only somebody would invent a real one. When this car passes, its wake may buffet you – and even a Supersonic Hero in a little compact can scare the daylights out of you when it suddenly grows in the reflection of your side-view mirror.
3. Oblivia and Oblivious
Emperors of the road, they don’t worry about little people like you. Nothing impedes them when they have places to go. Don’t look for lane-change signals; you won’t find any. Don’t expect stops at stop signs; emperors don’t need no stinkin’ signs.
4. The Great Distracto
This driver conducts life on the road. In the morning, you may see the male Distracto shaving and the female Distracto dabbing on nail polish. The Great Distracto also dines, takes notes, reads maps and the newspaper, and sometimes even catches a DVD behind the wheel – and, in extreme cases, practices a musical instrument or changes a baby’s diaper. However, cars were made only for driving, and distracted driving is illegal nearly everywhere.
5. Glue Gun
This driver pastes the car to your rear bumper, a thrill especially in rain, fog and snow. Speed up, and the Glue Gun speeds with you. Hit the brakes suddenly, and the Glue Gun may meet you unexpectedly. Your best bet is to change lanes or slow down, hoping the Glue Gun gets tired of slo-mo and finds another bumper.
6. Stranger in a Strange Land
The speed-limit sign says 45 mph. The Stranger says 10. This driver is looking for a street sign, looking at scenery – looking anywhere except the rear-view mirror, which would reveal a string of drivers who’d like to get home before next Saturday. Honk if you like.
7. Swoop Dogg
Pure stealth, this driver follows you awhile, then punches the gas pedal to pass, nearly taking your rear fender and side mirror with him. Swoop! The car slides into your lane again, inches from your front fender, to take over as lead dog in the pack.
8. The Blaster
You hear this one coming a quarter-mile from the traffic light: the Blaster, all bone-shaking subwoofers and noise. He makes his presence known by his sound system, invading your space even with the windows rolled up, and he won’t get out of your ears. You can turn up your own sound, but why add volume to the world? Don’t get even; just wait a few moments for the light to change.
9. The Happy Wanderer
This driver uses all that lane width like he’s in the bumper-car pavilion at the fair. From side to side he goes, kissing the center line, drifting to the right. The Wanderer may be a perfectly sober driver who believes steering wheels were meant to be turned. Your best bet is to turn far away.
10. The Sweetheart
This way-too-nice driver waves a parade of cars through the four-way stop before turning. Meanwhile, you debate whether to call the office to say you’ll be late. Worse, the Sweetheart – feeling deeply for all those drivers trying get onto the crowded freeway – slows down drastically at on-ramps, giving your brakes a workout.
OK, let’s get serious: While some of these characters merely are odd or annoying, others endanger themselves and others. Bask in all the variety on the road, but be careful out there.
Then there's the guys on crotch rockets who drive in packs. They risk their lives going 100mph weaving in and out of traffic. One night I was driving home and all I saw were about 5 single lights coming at me at full speed. Then buzz buzz buzz they all speed around me and the cars around me. My heart jumped into my throat. There is no reason for that!
Alot of drivers annoy me. Can you tell? LOL