3 Things for Monday
Since I'm not sure if Tia will be in today I will start this off.
I hope everyone had a great weekend.
Today I am grateful for:
1. 24 hour pharmacies : I was at one yesterday at 6:00 pm picking up a perscription
Mom's Dr called in for her. Yesterday she had such bad back and hip pain she could
hardly move. We called her Dr and the Dr on call gave her a med. Only enough for 3 days-
I guess they wanted to be sure she got an appointment to see the DR ASAP!
2. My family : we had a great dinner Saturday and I got the chance to catch up with my
nieces and nephews. Also got to see my 2 great nieces - cute as buttons LOL
Ages 2 and 4 . Jessica ( 8 year old niece) kept the 4 year old amused. LOL They
were so cute together. I am so proud of all the older ones . I have 6 between the ages
of 25 and 30 : One has her masters degree in elementry education: my nephew
has just bought his first home , and another niece is going for her masters in accounting.
One nephew is a Baltimore county policeman, one niece is back in school and
wants to be a physical therapist ( she took off a couple years to " find" herself ) and
has finally realized she will get nowhere without a degree so shes back to hitting the books.
Yes I admit I am proud of them all !!!
3. That this is the start of a new week and I am determined to get back to the gym!
so keep an eye out for an exercise post.
4. For my sister - she doesn't work and is on call today to help Dad get Mom to the
Dr. I could take off and do it but its nice to have someone else help with them every
now and then/
Have a great day everyone
I am a little anxious at the moment. I have what we believe is a blocked tear duct. I see my eye MD later this AM. If the treatment is as I have read online (dangerous I know), I am not looking forward to that part. I am looking for some relief though. I guess I can't get one without the other.
I am already looking forward to the coming weekend. The weather on Sat. is supposed to be fabulous!
I too, am looking for a fresh start today and getting back into my structured routine.
Today, I am thankful for....
1 - Resisting the urge to shop this weekend. I really have been trying to conserve funds. I wanted so much to shop this weekend, but did not.
2 - A quiet weekend. In so many ways, I really needed it.
3 - My family and friends.
Today's thanks...
1. Protein Powders - I know we need the protein, and as much as I hate them, I have been back on them this weekend.
2. OH! The things learned here make my journey much easier to deal with!
3. My husband. Yesterday was a first "Easter" alone for one of my closest family members and emotionally she had a really tough day. Her fiance's family sucks and did not invite them to their Easter celebrations (they forgot to mention it was moved to Saturday until after the dinner when neither of them showed up...) and it hit her hard. I thank God my husband has always made sure if I wanted to go, to my family we could. Even though I missed my family this year, I hadn't been sure I would be ready to travel and I was okay being on our own...
Back to work today... After a bad food and liquid weekend, hoping to make the next few days enough to make up for it. I weigh in again on Wednesday at my 4 week appt!
Good morning ~~~ Just time to pop in quickly ...
ummmmmmmm.. 3 things ???
1) Spring must be out there SOMEWHERE !!!!! these frigid a.m.'s are rough on my toes in open shoes .. even with hose on.
2) a nice weekend away .. we took the RV to Gettysburg on Friday. I had the opportunity to meet Julie and I had a wonderful time getting to know her. If not for husbands (hers looking for her Friday afternoon) and mine (wanting to get on the road yesterday) we would probably still be gabbing .. lol
3) another 'short' week for me. Taking Friday off to head north for some 'family' time. I need/want to see my mother and my sister in law will be in from Calif with the babies, so we will have a packed couple of days before we head back early on Sunday morning to stop in Allentown for a fire apparatus flea market.
Hugs, Mo
Comparison is the thief of joy!
If we spend our time comparing our life/weight loss/body to others, we totally miss what WE have accomplished. Keep in mind how far you have come and what you can do now that you couldn't do weeks/months/years ago. I hate the expression " It's all good", but in this case it fits! Wherever you are in your journey ... It's ALL good!!!
It was definitely a BRRR weekend but a lovely one nonetheless!
Today, I'm grateful:
1. For a delightful weekend and Easter dinner with my family and friends. We went to Friendly Farm as we do for the last several Easters. This year my friend Lori (http://www.obesityhelp.com/member/abuddingrose/) and her significant other joined us. It was a great day with lovely people!!!
2. My scale continuing to move even though I am not feeling like it should be, I will NOT look a gift horse in the mouth (or walk behind him).
3. That the lovely Tia wakes up in a happy mood even when awaken by a phone on a day she does not have to go into work. (Sorry Tia, thought you were on your way to work today; didn't mean to wake Sleeping Beauty
Darla - I hope your mom feels better soon and I'm glad you had a lovely family dinner at Friendly Farm on Saturday.
Deb - OUCH! A blocked tear duct sounds painful!! I hope that is taken care of soon for you, and I'm glad you got some much needed quiet time.
Angie - Congrats on your perserverence in getting those protein shakes in. I know it can be very difficult to do the right things when it's not something enjoyable. Good luck to you on your 4 week appointment!!
Mo - I'm glad you had fun camping and got to spend some time with Julie.
Wishing everyone a great day and a productive week.
I'm looking forward to Hershey Park on Saturday!
That the lovely Tia wakes up in a happy mood even when awaken by a phone on a day she does not have to go into work. (Sorry Tia, thought you were on your way to work today; didn't mean to wake Sleeping Beauty )
Been there done that and have the Tshirt LOL : I texted her on a sunday morning
at 7:30 am when my seatbelt closed on the airplane on my way to vacation LOL
Later that day I got a text saying : " Have a good time . congrats and don't ever text
me that early on a Sunday morning !!!!"
I'm glad that those whom have written in so far had a good weekend and hope that everyone else did as well. I had a lazy weekend for the most part, except for cooking for the week yesterday, and actually finished a book in a couple of days which is rare for my anymore with all the hours I put in at work.
Today I'm grateful...
1. For a sunny morning. It's a whole lot easier to get up and get going when it's sunny out.
2. That my sister and brother-in-law made it back safe and sound from their vacation to Germany and France.
3. That I'll be seeing 3 of my sisters this weekend down in VA.
Have a great day!
Mom I hope you rest in Peace knowing that you were loved and will be missed. Keep love alive in your