I was wondering ?
I can't believe you have lost 100lbs in 2 months, was your Doc concerned about you losing so much, so fast? When I was 5 days out, I caught a stomach bug, horrible, I couldn't even keep ice down. Finally after a week, I was feeling much better. As soon as the bug left, I was still vomiting 2-3 x a day, First I would get the white foamies, and then yellow fluid, and if there was still food in there, I lost everything. I think you get the picture. I apologize if that was TMI. Anyway, I saw my Dr. this past Wed, for my 1 month out, my surgery was 2-24, when I explained it all to her, she said not to worry, some people get this. It is just a over abundance of stomach acids. At first she was going to give me a prescription for a acid blocker, but then she decided to have me start taking Prilosec, 2 pills daily. I bought them tonight at Target,and I spoke with the Pharmacist, she also agreed that this should do the trick. Call your Doc and see what he/she says, don't try it without checking, because you can't be on certain meds, while taking Prilosec. I hope this has been some help. Good luck,and feel better....Leslie