I am back from the hospital. They did an ultrasound of my entire leg to make sure that I didn’t have DVT (blood clots) since I told them that I flew on Monday and I have a history of venous stasis. They didn’t find any clots thank god. So their diagnosis was cellulitis. They gave me I.V. antibiotics while I was there and sent me home with a prescription for the same antibiotic (clindamycin) as well as a prescription for vicodin for the pain because I can barely walk at the moment. They did several blood tests because they were concerned that I, myself (not just the skin) was fevered and they wanted to make sure that the bacteria hadn’t entered my blood stream.
I feel ok other than the pain and the dizziness I have and just the need to sleep and I'm all achy everywhere (i know...big gay baby here LOL)