I Ponder.....
Man nipples? Let me give this some thought....
In the meantime....
What, exactly, is the purpose of mice and flies? I mean, I understand their positions in the food chain, but really, why did God create something that we then set out to kill?
And......where do flies go in the winter? Palm Springs??
milk is just specialized sweat. it's just like a woman who's never been pregnant or given birth nursing...
that's done too.
it works.
BTW i'm a retired La Leche League Leader....
A Comic Announcementt: TRU-BREAST
With These Patented Features:
LUL-A-BYE Sound Unit, Baby hears same soothing heartbeat he or she has grown accustomed to. While nursing, baby is lulled to sleep.
UNBREAKABLE, since baby can't drop it on the floor.
KWICK-FIL Holding Tank stores baby's milk at just the right temperature. Never too hot. Never too cold. Features automatic refill. Never bother with formulas again. Baby less hungry than usual? No need to refrigerate left-overs. Milk stays warm and sterile in Unit. Ready when baby is.
TRU-BREAST Nursing Units never need sterilizing.
KWICK-KLEEN NIPPLE. No need to boil this nipple. Made of guaranteed lifetime materials and it can't be accidentally pulled off!
ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY: No wasteful packaging to discard.
TRU-BREAST Units solve the problem of storage of baby items until the next baby comes along. They are decorative as well as functional! They come in all sizes, shapes and colors and outward appearance has nothing to do with ability of Units to function. Units come in pairs and improve with use. TRU-BREAST makes traveling with baby easier the no-mess, no worry way!
And, best of all, TRU-BREAST is absolutely FREE! That's right, unlike formulas and bottles, which can cost thousands of dollars per baby, a set of TRU-BREAST units will be included in the price of your pregnancy.
With TRU-BREAST around,
why bother with other methods?