When Is The Next.......
Hey Again Heather:
Deb Reithmuller is the leader of the support group (K9Krazzi). I didn't hear from her at all this month. We have had poor turn out for the past 2 meetings, so I don't know if she has decided to discontinue the grou*****t. You could reach her by e-mail at [email protected] or by phone at 443-783-1778.
Deb Reithmuller is the leader of the support group (K9Krazzi). I didn't hear from her at all this month. We have had poor turn out for the past 2 meetings, so I don't know if she has decided to discontinue the grou*****t. You could reach her by e-mail at [email protected] or by phone at 443-783-1778.
Lisa Z.
When we believe, all things are possible!