So today, I'm grateful for:
1. Caring pediatricians - Hers are great - and they're even in the office on SUNDAY!!!!
2. You hear me brag constantly about them, but we found out yesterday that an anti-drug poster K did was submitted in a Statewide contest, and along with 3 other 7th graders, WON!!! It's going to be displayed all over the State in different buildings, including the State House!!! What an honor for her!!! I could not be more proud of K!!! And she's very blase about it, like she expects nothing less of herself. What kind of ticked me off was that she didn't even know!! Dad found out by reading the school newsletter. I love B's elementary school, but K's middle school really sucks when it comes to communication.
3. Time with friends - I'm supposed to see my bff tonight to celebrate her bday at The Cheesecake Factory. Nothing's set in stone, but I hear some l/c cheesecake calling my name!!!
Okay, hope everyone has a great day. The traffic was even worse this a.m. than yesterday, but I made it in, which is all that matters!!!!
P.S. DON'T FORGET NYC - SATURDAY 4/4/09 - http://www.obesityhelp.com/forums/MD/3877391/NYC-TRIP-DETAIL S/
Good Morning
I hope K gets better soon : poor thing has really had a rough time of it.
Congrats to her on the poster : You have every right to brag !!!!!!!
Today I am grateful for
!. Another good night at the bowling lanes : We took 3 of the 4 games and more
importantly had fun doing it.
2. Water classes at the gym tonight !!!! Woo Hoo I cannot wait.
3. For the friends I have found thru the WLS: I look back to two years ago and
I had noone to hang out with: thru the WLS and this website and the gym I now
don't go a day without emails, texts and phone calls from friends.
So have a great day my friends and SMILE ( even you Tia - and don't wait till after work )
I know, my poor baby!!! I feel SOOOOOOOOO bad for her. Gary's been getting her up every 4 hours to alternate Tylenol and Motrin, because there was nothing else they could give her. The important thing is to get the fever down. Last night, Gary was Lysol-wiping everything she had conceivably touch, hoping B doesn't get it.
3 out of 4 games? You guys rock!!!!!
It amazes me with your sunny disposition that your life didn't truly begin until after wls. I understand being trapped by our fat, but you're such a giving, caring person that I can't envision you NOT surrounded by friends. Until the end of time, you always will be!!!!
Hey Jenn!!!
Don't worry, I feel your #1 worry - my last eval was great, except for..................MY USE OF LEAVE. Never mind that I have over 400 hours of leave accumulated - they want me here!!!!! Oh, well, what can you do???? Just do well in all the other areas and maybe everything will balance out.
I'm a technology-tard - what's an Ipod Touch?
Have a wonderful day!!
My good things today are:
1. I am smart enough to know when an email is phishy - how can anyone fall for - look I have paypal, I'm in Vienna, could you ship it to my daughter for her birthday? Blah blah. Yeah right.
2. That there is some interest in the laptop - although I'm sad to part with it.
3. It's Friday EVE!!!
4. My fellow banded friend took the time to call me and tell me what he was drinking and may take me up on my personal shopper services - I offered to get him only the stuff he should have as a bander....I'm setting him right. I told him I was glad he called, and thanked him. I told him he was going to make me proud. He told me, No, I would make him proud. AWWW!
5. The weather is warming up - slightly, but it's a lot better than Monday!!!
6. Man, I love you guys! If it wasn't for you, I think I'd be less motivated to participate in this site.
Have a wonderful day!!!!
Sorry, Malitol, don't know how I missed your post!!!!
The doctor said that it will take several days before K starts feeling human, poor thing.
Um.......you could've tried to work out a trade with the person in Vienna....you know, sausages for laptop, etc.
That's great that you've taken such a keen interest in your fellow bander!!! I'm sure he's relieved to have you to lean on/police, etc. Is he shy? Tell him he can join us here!!