1. Today would've been my "Pop's" 90th bday. I say Pop in quotes because he actually was my ex-husband's grandfather. Pop and "Gagi" loved me from the moment they met me and treated me, until the days they died, like the granddaughter they never had. In fact, on our wedding day, I remember Gagi saying, "Oh, we finally got our granddaughter!" At the time of Gagi's death in 2000, they had been married 58 years! Theirs wasn't an easy life, of course, but they stuck it out - they paid CASH for everything, houses, cars, etc. I'm not even sure they HAD credit. I was at Gagi's bedside when she died, and when Pop died in 2005, I was actually a floor away in GBMC for my first consult with DVR. Unfortunately, and I've since learned my lesson, it was late when my appointment was done and I was tired, and I told myself I'd stop by to see Pop the next day on the way home. I'll always regret that. Once their estate was settled, I was stunned to discover that they left me the same amount of money as they left my ex and his brother!! Mom urged me to buy a piece of jewelry to remember them by, hence the Tanzanite ring I wear on my left hand. The were the ONLY good things from my marriage, and the ONLY things I miss. Happy Birthday, Pop!!!
2. It's also the bday of my high school bff, Lisa. Lisa and I have been best friends since we were 15 years old and trust me, this chick knows ALL of my secrets. She's definitely the one I don't want to **** off!!! She's also cute, blonde and petite - if I didn't love her, I'd hate her!!! LOL!!!! She's been the perfect friend - willing to take and/or deliver a bullet for me, non-judgemental, she's held my hair back (on more than one occasion), has fed my chocolate habit, comforted me and just been there!!! Our friendship is worth more than all the gold in the world to me!!
3. It's also sweet Baby Gia's FIRST birthday!!!! Happy birthday, Little Princess!!! I know you bring your Mommy and Daddy so much joy!! She was Cira's little post-op surprise (Cira was only 3 months post-op when she got pregnant)!!! She's got the biggest eyes (and also the biggest hair I've ever seen!!!) So, cootchey-coo, and Happy Birthday honey!!!
4. KB - Although they were plucking each other's nerves, and ultimately mine, last night, they make me laugh all the time. K told me that yesterday morning, B yells from the bathroom for her to "come look! This is so cool!" After saying, "No!" a thousand times, K finally gave in - there's B, standing in front of the toilet, saying, "The water was blue, then I peed, and look! now it's green!" LMAO!!!!! Gotta love 'em!!!
Yeah, I know, you can just feel my post oozing the love, but that's what makes me grateful EVERY day, the love of my family (here and gone) and my friends!!!!
Having a sickeningly sweet day!!!!
((( Nic )))
Of course you're wanted. Everyone else recognizes your worth - now you just need to do it!!!! Good luck on the interviews and be sure to keep us posted!!!!!
Yeah, it's a hellish commute sometimes - HOWEVER, it gives me time (sometimes too much) to think about things. Not sure if that's good or bad!!
Feel better soon, sweetie!!!
2. my granddaughters are getting a new sibling today as their mommy (my ex dil) is in the hospital being induced. When son called his girls this morrning to see how excited they were he was surprised when the 8 year old said "Yeah daddy, not this weekend but next weekend maybe we can bring IT up with us. So, I guess I am geting a new granchild too!
3. Made reservations for another free night at Dover Downs and 2 free breakfast buffets for the 19th of March which is my b-day. Another 4 day vacation with my best friend her mom and sister and my mom. We do this twice a year and we all really look forward to it.
4. that I have gotten some really good deals on restaurant.com from ebay. if you have never checked out their site...do so. It is a good way to have nice meals with less money.
Morning Gail!!!!
Wow!! You're a March baby, too?!!!! Very cool!!
I'm sure you'll love that new "grandbaby" just like your own!!!! Aaaah, the smell of a warm, powdery baby!!!!!
I've heard lots of good things about restaurant.com - will have to check it out!!! Thanks for the tip!!
Have a great day! BTW, I should know by Friday about my brother's vacay pic.
OMG you are so right about that traffic this AM.
1. Labs that open at 7:00 am -- was in and out by 7:15 - but then I had the traffic to face
took be 1:15 to get here today
2. Thats its BOWLING NIGHT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
3. For Gia's first birthday - such a cutie
4. Once again stealing Tia's The love of my family and friends
Not a lot to post today - one of those yecchy days because I can't eat real food.....sigh
1. Doc squeezed me in yesterday and gave me another CC of fluid without a fight.
2. Obama wants to crack down on the erroneous spending and contracting - so I'm hoping that opens the door for more federal contract specialists which I aspire to be when I grow up.
3. I made it through another day and it's hump day today!
4. Amy invited me to Delaware Park for Saturday, so I'm looking forward to it!
5. Lotsa birthdays so Happy Birthday to all the bidday babes!
6. Last but not least, TIA - you so wunnerfal! Loves you bunches!
Awww, you wunnerfal, too!!! MUAH!!!!!!!
I'm happy to hear a lot of what the President's been saying. I especially liked when he said that it didn't make sense to him that we have products being used in America, but made on foreign soil, and that he wants to bring the work back within our borders!!!!! I'm so tired of America helping everyone else and getting nothing in return!
Have a great time in Delaware Park!!! Win big, pay off your schooling and then book us a cruise, baby!!!!
Have a day as wunnerfal as you!!!
1. Electricity! I went all day Monday without it. I have well water and really enjoy flushing the toilet. :)
2. My best friend Sarah who always listens to me complain and tries to keep looking on the good side.
3. My husband bought me the Beverly Hills Chihuahua movie in honor of my doggie! :)
Hope everyone has a great hump day! :)