Update on Dad...
Dad's appointment was this morning. It's kind of like we are back at square one not sure about everything yet. He gets another blood test on Monday and on Tuesday they are going to give him a CT-guided biopsy. He will not be asleep but the area will be numbed. They will use a thin needle and go through his upper right chest wall for a biopsy (again...he already had a bronchoscopy). He definitely has cancer in his rib and back bones and it's probably from his blood disease (polycynthemia vera). Mom said that the disease can lead to leukemia, not sure if this is what he has or not. Radiation will be used on the bones. As for the lymph nodes they will cut his neck and look at them and if they are cancerous, that will take chemotherapy. So, again, we'll have more news next week. Even if what is in the lung isn't cancer, my biggest concern is the bones and lymph nodes.