I've been having second thoughts and they are very strong. The reason I've had these second thougts is because of the post i posted The Importance of Vitamins, well that story touched me the most out of any I have ever read, What if I do take my vitamins and this still happens (thats whats going threw my head) You have to have will power and be strong to have this surgery, well I am strong and I do have will power but I'm feeling the same committment I have to have for the surgery I can due on my own its still both a lifetime committment for change of life style. I have lost 17 pounds in 1-1/2 months by cutting back on portions and not eating curtain foods or drinking sodas, (like I said I'm strong I use to be addicted to PEPSI) i figure if I continue that I'll be alright. Yes I was a stress and bordum eater but when I start feeling that way I just walk or due something else constructive. That post was scary for me. If I do go with surgery I'm thinking it'll be Lapband. I don't think I want something thats going to stop nutriants from being absored. All comments are welcomed.
Is Lapband covered by inSurance?
Have anybody lost the weight on there own?
I have lost almost 70 lbs in 2 months since my surgery. I already feel a million times better and no longer need diabetes meds. Knowing the weight is more likely to stay gone with the malabsorption is what gives me hope for never going back to morbid obesity. I wish you the best as you make your decision.
I had to lose about 50 pounds prior to my surgery and people around me saw that I was losing weight before surgery and they kept asking me why have the surgery at all since I'm doing so well with the weightloss. Basically, in my mind, is that I'm doing good with my diet and exercise but how long is that going to last before I slip up, mentally beat myself down and go back to old habits? When will I give up during that first plateau that I hit? When will I get bored with what I'm dieting with? These were all things I know in my heart that I couldn't do on a long term basis without help from WLS. Now I'm FORCED to modify my behavior and my food choices because I have a set of rules to follow and I can honestly say that if you are able to follow the rules, then you will absolutely have no issues with food at all.
As for the complication aspects of it, yes there are people who have complications. How can anyone predict what complications there are going to be? I was one of the lucky ones to not have any complications other than just in the hospital while I was recovering....but that was quickly resolved within 24 hours and I haven't had any problems since. However, there's always that risk.
Just do more research and more soul searching.....I'm glad I waited to have it resolve was a lot more abo****e this time around than when I tried 5 years ago.
I didnt want to be a statistic. I didnt want to die early of a heart attack or diabetes etc etc. I wanted to LIVE MY LIFE not just EXIST IN IT!! I wanted to be alive to see my kids grow up and I was willing to do ANYTHING! RNY surgery nowadays has soooooooooooooooooooo FEW complications. Seriously! And YOU ARE WORKING WITH THE BEST OUT THERE (IMO) Just know I attended MANY seminars of surgeons in the state and I felt his record which is EXCELLENT by the way was the BEST! And he follows you for YEARS! Which means he does blood work and if he sees your results looking sluggish he will increase your vitamins. As long as you follow what Dr K tells you to do YOU WILL SUCCEED!!!!!!
If you need anything sweetie just PM me and I will shoot ya over my phone number. Its your choice to make but keep in mind why you looked into RNY in the first place.
P/S Sorry if there are many typos this was a super fast typed post. LOL
You are right to spend a lot of time analyzing what the best approach to a healthy life is for you. The different WLS options are tools. It is possible to achieve weight loss success using non-surgical options. People do it all the time. Only you can decide whether you need something like this to assist you in the process.
I had never had surgery before (other than tonsils out when I was 2). I was very scared. But I knew for me, that I had never been able to stick with any eating program long enough before in my life to truly succeed. For me, I felt like I was becoming a walking time bomb that could go off at any time. The more time that went by, the worse my co-morbidities became. From the initial seminar, I was aware of the risks of the various surgeries. At the same time, I saw what the statistics were for various complications nationwide as well as for the center of excellence I had chosen. Their complication rates were lower than the national average. I had to do something, so I decided to keep moving forward. I decided that I would rather go out intentionally fighting for my life than do nothing and risk any of the catastrophic illnessness that I was eating myself into.
Your situation may not be as severe as mine. Only you can decide the path that you should take. Regardless, we will still be here to encourage you to be successful with any choice you make.