Thanks so much Tia!! Taking that picture really helped *me* see the changes.
I know I promised myself yesterday I was going to take better care of myself but I am glad you arent stressing about Christmas, because I SURE AM!!! I just dont know where the $$ is gonna come from but I just need to have faith God will provide!! I think maybe moving this time of year was a little silly but Jordan and I really needed the space so I am very thankful just that we were able to find such an awesome deal.
I know I promised myself yesterday I was going to take better care of myself but I am glad you arent stressing about Christmas, because I SURE AM!!! I just dont know where the $$ is gonna come from but I just need to have faith God will provide!! I think maybe moving this time of year was a little silly but Jordan and I really needed the space so I am very thankful just that we were able to find such an awesome deal.
Let's see my 3 things for Tuesday are hmmmmmmm oh yeah now I know.
1. Pack my bag for the hospital ( Chapstick, underwear, eyeglass case, slippers, Gas X, frumpy shirt )
2. Thank all of my OH family for being so supportive and helping me through this.
3. Get some nap time because Pam and I have to get up at 3am.
1. Pack my bag for the hospital ( Chapstick, underwear, eyeglass case, slippers, Gas X, frumpy shirt )
2. Thank all of my OH family for being so supportive and helping me through this.
3. Get some nap time because Pam and I have to get up at 3am.
LOL!!! CLEAN underwear, please!!!! And comfy pants for the ride home!!!! You really won't need slippers, they'll give you those ultra-fashionable slipper socks!!!! Of course, you're a big boy, so you already know this, but DON'T take that Gas-X on your own!!!! Let them administer it!!!!
Can't wait to hear from Pam and then you!!!!!
Big hugs!!!
Can't wait to hear from Pam and then you!!!!!
Big hugs!!!
Good morning, Everyone!
Tia, I wish I wasn't stressing about Christmas lol. However, even though I am stressing about it, I am still cheerful and it's because of Hunter. Seeing how excited he is about Christmas this year, it warms my heart and gives me such joy. I know that everything will work out, and that God provides in many ways.
Today, I am grateful:
1. For wonderful friends and family including my OH friends.
2. That I am getting weighed again tomorrow, and find out how much more weight I have lost. I never thought I would be grateful to be getting weighed lol.
3. For being able to keep a positive outlook through this rough time.
Hope everyone has a wonderful day!
Tia, I wish I wasn't stressing about Christmas lol. However, even though I am stressing about it, I am still cheerful and it's because of Hunter. Seeing how excited he is about Christmas this year, it warms my heart and gives me such joy. I know that everything will work out, and that God provides in many ways.
Today, I am grateful:
1. For wonderful friends and family including my OH friends.
2. That I am getting weighed again tomorrow, and find out how much more weight I have lost. I never thought I would be grateful to be getting weighed lol.
3. For being able to keep a positive outlook through this rough time.
Hope everyone has a wonderful day!