April B.
on 12/10/08 12:00 am - Laurel, MD
RNY on 10/06/08 with
Thanks so much Tia!! Taking that picture really helped *me* see the changes.

I know I promised myself yesterday I was going to take better care of myself but I am glad you arent stressing about Christmas, because I SURE AM!!! I just dont know where the $$ is gonna come from but I just need to have faith God will provide!! I think maybe moving this time of year was a little silly but Jordan and I really needed the space so I am very thankful just that we were able to find such an awesome deal.
Boxer Heather
on 12/10/08 12:36 am - Grasonville, MD
I agree...love the new Avatar!  You look GREAT!

Heather L.

    boxerlickinggirl.gif boxer licking girl image by boxerheath               

April B.
on 12/10/08 1:12 am - Laurel, MD
RNY on 10/06/08 with
Thanks so much :) Love yours too.

We are both sporting new Avatars with our new look :)
Boxer Heather
on 12/10/08 2:45 am - Grasonville, MD

    boxerlickinggirl.gif boxer licking girl image by boxerheath               

on 12/9/08 11:28 pm - Waldorf, MD
Let's see my 3 things for Tuesday are hmmmmmmm oh yeah now I know.

 1.   Pack my bag for the hospital ( Chapstick, underwear, eyeglass case, slippers, Gas X,  frumpy shirt )

2.    Thank all of my OH family for being so supportive and helping me through this.

3.     Get some nap time because  Pam and I have to get up at 3am.
Dusty Cassidy   " It's not a real adventure unless you come home with a scar "                    
Current weight  219.0 Lbs   My  Ideal weight  188   I love my sleeve 
(deactivated member)
on 12/9/08 11:44 pm - Middle River, MD
LOL!!!  CLEAN underwear, please!!!!  And comfy pants for the ride home!!!!  You really won't need slippers, they'll give you those ultra-fashionable slipper socks!!!!   Of course, you're a big boy, so you already know this, but DON'T take that Gas-X on your own!!!!  Let them administer it!!!!

Can't wait to hear from Pam and then you!!!!!

Big hugs!!!

Debbie L.
on 12/9/08 11:45 pm - Baltimore, MD
Wishing you all the best for tomorrow!
Heather M.
on 12/10/08 12:21 am - Rosedale, MD
Dusty, you might want to bring your OWN pillow too.  Not only is it familiar for you, but it's GREAT for the ride home!!!!

Revised to VSG (6/11/09) weighing 253...



on 12/9/08 11:53 pm - Street, MD
Good morning, Everyone!

Tia, I wish I wasn't stressing about Christmas lol.  However, even though I am stressing about it, I am still cheerful and it's because of Hunter.  Seeing how excited he is about Christmas this year, it warms my heart and gives me such joy.  I know that everything will work out, and that God provides in many ways. 

Today, I am grateful:

1.  For wonderful friends and family including my OH friends. 

2.  That I am getting weighed again tomorrow, and find out how much more weight I have lost.  I never thought I would be grateful to be getting weighed lol.

3.  For being able to keep a positive outlook through this rough time.

Hope everyone has a wonderful day!
(deactivated member)
on 12/10/08 12:58 am - Middle River, MD
Hey Becks!!!!

I have it on very good authority that Mr. Hunter is on Santa's good boy list and will be properly rewarded!!!!

Make sure you update us on your weight loss!!!  I used to bypass the scale, telling them, "No thanks, I'm allergic!!!!" 

Hang in there, honey,

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