1. That it isn't Monday!!!!!!!
2. That today, Heather will have an amnio to determine if Miss Lacie is ready to make her appearance tomorrow. Cross your fingers that her lungs are well developed and that Heather gets good results from her test!!!
3. Christmas concerts - Sorry, the correct/PC term is holiday celebration!!! WHATEV. Kaity has concerts tonight and tomorrow night - she's in two different bands and as a "seasoned" 7th grader, assists the 6th grade band with theirs, too. It's going to be a lot of running, but I love watching my girl!!! She's so totally different at school - completely focused, etc., that it's hard to imagine it's the same tween whose answer to "Why did you do that to him?" is "Because I could" LOL!!!!
4. For people helping others. At Sunday's lunch, we collected a lot of canned goods and the restaurant collected pounds of food and toys for distribution to local needy families. Often, you need not look too far to find someone in need. Even if it's dropping off some cookies to your local VFD, I URGE you to get involved. Sunday, December 14 is Tinsel Sunday at my Dad's church, and we've made tons of desserts that they'll add to the box dinners that the church is going to distribute to the homeless in the Canton area. It's the best feeling in the world!!!
Hope you have a great day!!
Hope you feel better Tia. Crossing my fingers for Heather that Miss Lacie is ready for her grand entrance.
Today I am grateful for:
1. Friends who are busy this week pulling me off the ledge: Its so good to know people care
and will listen if I need to cry and whine. Thanks Ladies.
2. Unexpected gifts: Twice this week I have received unexpected gifts: one was a
late birthday gift and the other was a " just because you have been sick" gift - I feel
so loved and grateful for all my friends.
3. That the Lab at the hospital opens at 7:00 am and I can still make it too work
without missing more then an hour or so.
I wish I could make it go away, but my magic want is on the fritz
. So all I can do is send you both
hugs and hope that the pain and frustration go away for you as soon as possible.
I am feeling kind of stupid this morning. I never was a graceful person and I proved it again last night when I tripped over my own feet at home. This time I fell forward and I have a nice rug burn on my forehead. My back hurts too, but that may be a residual effect from the Pilates Reformer class last night - sigh! Hopefully the pool will make it feel better tonight.
1 - That my bangs cover the rug burn on my forehead for the most part so that everyone in the office does not have to ask "What happened to you?"
2 - That it is supposed to get a little warmer later today. Even with the rain that is coming with it, I welcome a little bit of warmer temps.
3 - That I survived the weekend without gaining weight. This is an improvement over the pattern I have been following lately. My efforts to fight the eating urges is winning. Now to see if I can chip away at my weight loss goal for New Year's Eve!
2. Coffee!!!! it seems that I'm not getting much sleep the past few days so coffee has been my saving grace this week!
3. One of my co-workers who has been working from home the past few months came in today and saw me and was speechless LOL