B-12 Question??
I am going through the finals too here this week LOL at Morgan State.
I take my B12s sublingually once a day because I can't stand needles, and I already have 3 Calcium Citrates and 2 Chewable Multivitamins to lug around - so what's one more pill daily? I get the largest Pill Box that CVS has and it fits all 6 pills fairly easily, and I leave it in my purse.
Good luck with your finals!
I take my B12s sublingually once a day because I can't stand needles, and I already have 3 Calcium Citrates and 2 Chewable Multivitamins to lug around - so what's one more pill daily? I get the largest Pill Box that CVS has and it fits all 6 pills fairly easily, and I leave it in my purse.
Good luck with your finals!