You're my hero, Steph!!!! Our house is too small for anything other than our main tree. BUT.....in my dream house, I'll have a tree in the kitchen decorated with gingerbread ornaments (of which I have enough for 3 trees), a white tree with purple lights and ornaments in my bedroom, and then the traditional one, decorated with everything from ornaments from my great-Grandma to newer Hallmark types.
When I unpacked the ornaments this year, I couldn't find the topper. Must have gotten mis-placed in the move. Anyway, the grandchildren have been on me asking "where's the star," so I guess I need to buy a new one this year. My tree is decorated with family ornaments passed along from year to year. I love it because many have memories. This will be the 2nd year that I have each of the grandchildren make a new ornament to add to the tree. I usually let them go to the store and pick one out that they like to add to the tree also. It's a great tradition and after so many years I will have ornaments to give to them when they get their own place.
Lisa Z.
When we believe, all things are possible!
I always used to have an angel of some sort. I couldn't find mine in 2005 and since we didn't do our tree until Christmas Eve (having just returned home from our honeymoon the day before) we found a really cool spire that we've been using. I would REALLY love to have a Boxer Angel on top (of course...my sickness) but have yet to find one that will work.