3 Things for Monday
Good morning Darla,
Glad you are going to a traditional family get together.
I am hoping my kids get to make it over for Thanksgiving. It has been a long time since I have all my kids together in one room. Maybe we can take some family pics and home.
1. That I have a genious grand daughter that is only 7 1/2 months old and she says momma, Dadda, Apple and Obama! LOL I could not believe the apple and Obama until I heard it myself. lol I think she needs to be take to the guinness world book of records. lol Now that gave me a good chuckle yesterday. I have the video to prove it too. lol
2. That Gia is almost back to her normal self again and slept all night long. Yay! but Gianna woke me up with her sore throat and horrible cough so it is never ending here. :-(
3. That I got to see & meet some wonderful OH friends on Friday. I had a great tome!
Have a wonderful day everyone.
Glad you are going to a traditional family get together.
I am hoping my kids get to make it over for Thanksgiving. It has been a long time since I have all my kids together in one room. Maybe we can take some family pics and home.
1. That I have a genious grand daughter that is only 7 1/2 months old and she says momma, Dadda, Apple and Obama! LOL I could not believe the apple and Obama until I heard it myself. lol I think she needs to be take to the guinness world book of records. lol Now that gave me a good chuckle yesterday. I have the video to prove it too. lol
2. That Gia is almost back to her normal self again and slept all night long. Yay! but Gianna woke me up with her sore throat and horrible cough so it is never ending here. :-(
3. That I got to see & meet some wonderful OH friends on Friday. I had a great tome!
Have a wonderful day everyone.
I am who I am and accept my feelings wholeheartedly.
Those that mind don't matter, and those that matter don't mind.
Cira 249/144.0 current/goal 154/ 5'3" 10 lbs below my Dr's goal
Good Morning Darla and Everyone,
Today I'm thankful...
1. That I have one more week off to gear up for the stress that is my job. They hired two people to work for me (with my blessing) and I'm happy to have help but now I have to get them trained up in a VERY short time.
2. That we sold one of our motorcycles FINALLY. Now I can start my Christmas shopping!
3. That I was able to beg off of going to my parent's house for Thanksgiving. Although I'll miss the opportunity to see them, I'll see them in a few weeks at Christmas, I won't have to sit in a car for 7 hours on Thursday for a meal that I really can't eat. I'll make my husband his Ham dinner at home instead.
4. That it is much warmer today, more like a fall November day than it has been!!
Today I'm thankful...
1. That I have one more week off to gear up for the stress that is my job. They hired two people to work for me (with my blessing) and I'm happy to have help but now I have to get them trained up in a VERY short time.
2. That we sold one of our motorcycles FINALLY. Now I can start my Christmas shopping!
3. That I was able to beg off of going to my parent's house for Thanksgiving. Although I'll miss the opportunity to see them, I'll see them in a few weeks at Christmas, I won't have to sit in a car for 7 hours on Thursday for a meal that I really can't eat. I'll make my husband his Ham dinner at home instead.
4. That it is much warmer today, more like a fall November day than it has been!!