Today I am grateful for:
1 - That my nephson, Joe, appears to be getting better. He has picked up a weird infection or bug bite while out in the woods the prior weeken. They are still not sure what it was/is. He is finally starting to respond to the antibiotics. I will keep my fingers crossed that the healing continues. There are so many "weird" things out in the world. He really had me worried for a bit.
2 - For the warmth and comraderie of "just hanging out" with friends. I really had a nice time on Saturday. I still can't believe I was up that late, but time just passed by so comfortably that I did not even realize it.
3 - Seeing the institution of marriage really work - Yesterday I attended the 50th wedding anniversary for one of my cousins and her husband. It was a surprise party and they were so cute together. They raised 4 children who were there with their children. My cousin is also one of 8 children herself. So it was an event jammed packed with folks from all generations. There was a lot of reminiscing about the wedding and the years in-between and lots of past and present pictures. It was just a total "feel good" experience. In this day and age, marriage is so difficult. It is quite nice to be reminded that the fairy tale of forever, really can happen (with work and the right combination of variables, of course).
Have a super day!
Hey Deb -
Wow!!! I'm sorry, I must have missed that Joe was sick; glad he seems to be on the upswing.
Yes, there are so many weird things out in the world - and I've dated most of them!!! LOL!!!
Your pics were awesome!!! A testament in themselves to the power of wls!!!
What a sweet celebration you attended yesterday - gives me hope for my future when I see relationships that endure.
This is actually the first time that I have mentioned this about Joey. I don't always bring this stuff up. He also almost killed himself on Saturday, rolling a tractor off of a truck! I could not contain myself, he got a lecture for that one! My uncle is also sick, something with his heart. I am hoping to learn more today. Of all of my aunts and uncles, I only have 2 left, my mother's sister, who is like a second Mom to me (long story, will explain some day) and my mother's baby brother (who is the one in the hospital now. My Mother was one of seven. All of my Dad's siblings are gone now.
Thanks as always for your words of encouragement and support
Hey sweetie!!!!
Thanks for your message - I'm REALLY glad Hunter is on the mend!!! That illness DID warrant a trip to the toy store, right??? LOL!!!!
Moms are great, aren't they? I'd be LOST without mine. And she without me.
I can't wait to celebrate with and for you when you learn of your approval and surgery date!!