beyond the call of duty, maybe?
I feel I have never really assigned myself (or anyone else) any member role here other than stopping by and taking what is useful, leaving the rest, and helping a bit here and there. I am not sure exactly the rules of the OH boards as defined by OH, but I simply try to be kind and nonjudgmental.
Hi Karen!!!
It's good to see you!!! I assure you that I am NOT being paid by OH (don't I wish)!!! LOL!! Perhaps I worded my post incorrectly - the only responsibility I feel for this board is to give back as much as I've gotten.
I'm not really concerned with anyone's opinion of what or how I post, my only thought, with EACH and EVERY post, is to try to support the people who have been so supportive of me. If someone has fun with a post, that's great, and if I can help someone, all the better.
As I've repeatedly stated, I've made some wonderful friends on this board, and am grateful every day for the information I glean from it - be it wls related or not.
Hope to see you at a gathering soon!!! If not, have a wonderful holiday season!!!
Not sure exactly what's going on as I've been having my own issues to deal with recently. I will say you were the first to welcome me to the MD board and have sent me pm's when I was MIA. To even think that a grown up support site could turn into a teenage bully chat room is funny. I actually saw a post earlier that said "It's On", or something like that, as though there was going to be a backyard brawl.
And to think, I was actually thinking how much I missed this board. It may be time for everybody to take a step back, think about why they became active on the MD board in the first place and re-evaluate their priorities.
"No matter how hard life may get, no matter how many curveballs you are thrown, keep in mind, if you want to succeed - QUITTING IS NOT AN OPTION"!!!