Just an Update..
This is the first time I have been on the board since I believe September..I got into a rut and really wasnt up to reading about how wonderful everyone was doing on their weight loss...(Hey-Im human)...I had lap band on June 27th and was really questioning why...
I had 2 fills and was still able to eat a footlong from Subway (that was in a weak moment when I felt I was literally starving due to lack of protein)...I just recently (last Thursday) received my third fill and thought I would have to get an unfill due to only being able to drink and not eat without getting stuck and sliming all over th place...I am doing better with eating and wont call the doctor for the appt.
I want the weight off instantaneously...but I know that doesnt happen with lap band as it seems to do with RNY...Ive lost 31 pounds since Ive had the surgery and I am thrilled...but the weight loss is in spurts..never steady..I lost 9 pounds in a week..then nothing for 3 weeks...
Sooooo thats whats been up with me...and a few torrid love affairs in my wake (oh wait, Im married, should I say that :P)...Aghhhhhhhh Im BACK!!!!!!
Daniel Patrick Fluharty, NBCT
Be yourself, nobody can tell you that you are doing it wrong!!
Heather -
Easy for me to say, since MY weight did come off seemingly instantly, but TRY not to stress so much. Everyone has different issues with their weight loss and lack thereof, but I think the most important thing is to try to learn good habits while working your tool. I'm not the expert in how to do that, unfortunately, all I know is it's an ongoing process/struggle.
My only knowledge of the lapband comes from my friends who have had it - Heather, Melissa and some others. The biggest benefit that I see is that with each fill, you have a renewed "honeymoon period," a chance to work your tool and continue to lose weight. With rny, you don't have. Of course, you can continue to lose weight, but with rny, once that window closes, it closes TIGHTLY.
Don't despair - 31 pounds is AWESOME!!!
Keep up the good work,
on 11/8/08 8:49 pm - Millersville, MD
hey heather... i've missed your sauciness! i think we all hit ruts.. even us rny-ers.. and i know my posting drops off dramatically sometimes. the message boards are full of success stories and struggles, great advice and some really bad advice. sometimes it's easier to avoid it all if you're on a bad path and trying to find a good path again. but don't avoid support altogher if you can help it. i love my dr's support group meetings and i the crofton support group meetings. i get something different out of each of these forums. i couldn't make the glen burnie meeting this month, but i'm excited about trying to make the one in december. if so, i look forward to meeting you.