My three things today are:
1. A major reorganization at work today. Normally this causes stress however nothing can be worse than my current boss. She is a complete nut-case. I'm looking forward to better things.
2. I'm meeting my best 'buddy's' family tonight. Could this be a next step - doubt it, but closer. He'll realize that I'm perfect for him one of these days.
3. A good hair day. Now - if this rain doesn't cause it to frizz, we'll be ok.
4. Seeing my favorite band this weekend. Love em, love em, love em. I have a big crowd coming with me too. Should be a lot of fun.
5. The rain - I'm sleeping in tomorrow - can't wait - could definitely use the sleep.
OK - so sue me, it's more than 3!
Have a great weekend.
1. That even though I overslept this morning, I am having a wonderful day so far.
2. For Fall weather.... I love Fall... I hate summer! At least for now I hate summer, being overweight and summer just don't go together lol at least for me! Summer means less clothes and sweat, and being overweight makes it horrible! That's why I love Fall, I can where my pants and not sweat to death lol! Oh and that my walk from the parking garage to work is now much cooler lol!
3. For my boss... He is such a wonderful and understanding person. I couldn't ask for a better place to work, even though I wish I made more money lol!
I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!