OT-26 week baby Lacie update!
I went to my perinatalogist today for a regular four week visit. I have one more like this and then I start going every two weeks, then every week, then TWICE a week UGH! Most of the news is how *I* am doing. Lacie's heartrate was great as usual and she's quite the wiggler. I think she'll be playing soccer in GBMCs nursery when she comes out! If she isn't kicking me in the crotch she's kicking me above my belly button (oh and my PORT is starting to stick out!!!). No sono this time. As for me, I am allowed to gain a pound a week, so each monthly visit means I can gain 4 pounds. This visit I only gained 1 pound - WOOHOO, just 12 pounds so far this pregnancy. My blood pressure is wonderful. It was 130/70 today. My sugars are also really nice and tight. By now in my pregnancy with Kylie (pre-op) my BP would have been over 140/90 and the doc would have doubled my BP meds and my sugars would have been SO crazy that I would be taking tons of insulin at bedtime PLUS fast acting insulin with all meals. All in all a good visit! Now, can you beleive I only have ELEVEN weeks left???? Amnio is set for Monday, 12/8 (to check lung maturity because they are taking Lacie 3 weeks early) and if all is fine I'll have a c-section on either 12/9 or 12/10. I'll be in GBMC for FOUR days so anyone who wants to drop by please do so! I'll have someone post my info for me once we know details.