You girls need to go somewhere that the men are UNDER the age of 65 and where the majority of hair color is something other than BLUE! LOL Seriously though, I'd love to join you, but my little ball and chain (Kylie) wouldn't sit still long enough to do Bingo. Although if I only did 6 cards she might and she might want to help me dab! I'll let ya know!
Again, if I thought those places existed, I WOULD make the time to go there.
Speaking of....do you or Floyd know anything about "Save the Ta-Ta's" night at Raffy's on October 10? Benefits Komen Breast Cancer Research, so it's for a good cause.
HOWEVER, if it ends up being a "Show off yours" kind of thing.................um....not for me, thanks!!! Private showings only for this girl!!!
Speaking of....do you or Floyd know anything about "Save the Ta-Ta's" night at Raffy's on October 10? Benefits Komen Breast Cancer Research, so it's for a good cause.
HOWEVER, if it ends up being a "Show off yours" kind of thing.................um....not for me, thanks!!! Private showings only for this girl!!!
I have NO idea, call them about it though. I doubt it's a ta-ta showing because they don't roll like that there. They are closing their doors around the first week of November anyway! Now CATCHER's (formerly Blue Lagoon) is open this week and Floyd will eventually be DJing Wed -Sat and then Karaoke on Sunday. Not quite sure how this is going to work with his new job schedule up in PA (can you say TIRED Daddy?), but we'll figure it out.