Hey from Denna
Hey everybody!
I know it's been a long time since I posted something. It's been about three months since my surgery and things are going really well. So far, I'm down 68 pounds. My energy level is great. I'm able to work a full day and go to gym and do house chores if I'm in the mode. So far I hae gone from a size 22 to a sze 16 whch I'm really enjoying. The only down side is that mi tattas are getting smaller! :( I'v egone from a C to a B!
People are starting to ask me what have I been doing. I'll tell them that I'm eating better and exercising, but I did have the surgery. Pretty much everyone is very supportive. Some are shocked because they didn't think I was 100 over weight. I feel so much better about myself, thought it hasn't resulted in a nice gentleman. Though I did have my first experience with a jerk.
Denver is doing really well.
I've been going to the support group at Howard University because it is much easier to get to in the evenings after work compared to the one at Maryland. I feel kind of bad about that.
I recntly got my promotion at GSFC, so I'm really happy about work stuff. I'm also in grad school so that's taking up a good deal of time as well. The big thing I still want to find a church home. Sometimes if I could pick anything that really sucked about being blind, is the isolation from not being able to drive. Alot of churches don't have church vans and Metro Access isn't always reliable. I have to plan ahead what time I wantthem to come back, so that means if I plan for time to socialize and I'm wrong, then I'm left stranded at the church. Or if they come early, tey expect you to roll out, and in alot of churches that's when they open up the doors of the church for people who are seeking to join church or give their life to Christ. So I guess what I'm aking, is for some prayers in that area.
I'm thinking of training and trying out for the Capital Rowing Club. I really enjoy kayakin and think it would be a great sport for me to do. I recenty kayaked Lake Michagon which was about 6 miles.
Gotta run and continue reading about Microeconomics and public policy. Ya'll should call me sometime (301) 801-6075, I'dlove to get togethr again with you all.
Sounds like you're doing great and that things are progressing!! I'm sure Denver is happy that your energy level is up, too!!!
As far as the rest, just have faith, and take your time and things will fall into place when they're supposed to.
Trying to organize some get-togethers, so I'll let you know when the plans are made.
Take care,
It sounds like you are doing a wonderful job of adjusting to this new way of life.....eating healthier, getting fitter, and generally, being happier. Good on you for all of the changes you've been dealing with.
What's interesting is that we had surgery on the same day. It's nice to see someone else who is a good barometer for my own struggles.
You're about 10 pounds ahead of me. I'm jealous, but so proud of you. I just need to get up off my butt more and exercise more frequently. I started out at a large 20, but now I'm in to a 14 or 16, depending on the cut of the outfit.
Keep up the good work, Girl. I'll be thinking of you often.