Over 400 lbs. What are my chances
Hi Angie
I had Dr. Averbach and had surgery on May 23rd of this year. I was 320 pounds when I had surgery and had massive amounts of abdominal scar tissue internally (Dr. Averbach said they were like spider webs all over) I also had a huge and I mean huge hiatel hernia and he was able to do laposcopic on me even though it was difficult for him. I had no problems, he is wonderful and highly skilled so if anyone can do it he can. I know he has performed Laposcopic RNY on people larger than 400 pounds, I just can't remember who they are. Maybe they will see your post if you you do a new post and and perhaps name it " Atttention All Dr. Averbach's patients" . Just a thought. Good luck to you, you will be fine!
I had Dr. Averbach and had surgery on May 23rd of this year. I was 320 pounds when I had surgery and had massive amounts of abdominal scar tissue internally (Dr. Averbach said they were like spider webs all over) I also had a huge and I mean huge hiatel hernia and he was able to do laposcopic on me even though it was difficult for him. I had no problems, he is wonderful and highly skilled so if anyone can do it he can. I know he has performed Laposcopic RNY on people larger than 400 pounds, I just can't remember who they are. Maybe they will see your post if you you do a new post and and perhaps name it " Atttention All Dr. Averbach's patients" . Just a thought. Good luck to you, you will be fine!
I have surgery with Dr. Averbach scheduled for a week from tomorrow, and so far I have been very pleased with everyone in his office and all the things I have heard from about him. I definatly wanted the laproscopic not an open, healing time is much quicker. Good luck with your process, because that's what it is a process.
Hi Angie,
I was 438 lbs when I went to be first consultation with my surgeon and I was 388 lbs. when I had the surgery. It was totally done laproscopically. I even had a complication that my gall bladder did not look good when they went in, so they took that at the same time. All was laproscopic. Everyone is different. There are other variables that could make the decision different. But yes, it is possible to be in that weight range and still go laproscopically.
Best Wishes!
I was 438 lbs when I went to be first consultation with my surgeon and I was 388 lbs. when I had the surgery. It was totally done laproscopically. I even had a complication that my gall bladder did not look good when they went in, so they took that at the same time. All was laproscopic. Everyone is different. There are other variables that could make the decision different. But yes, it is possible to be in that weight range and still go laproscopically.
Best Wishes!
I had surgery with Dr. Averback on March 21, 2008. I had a VSG (vertical sleeve gastrectomy) not an RNY. Dr. Averback is great. I have my 6 mth. appt. with him tomorrow (Tues., 9/23/08) and have lost almost 80 lbs. (i started out as a "light weight"...BMI below 40). Averback and his staff have been wonderful all the way through this process. My husband had a VSG 3 mths after mine with Averback. He (my husband) is doing very well. Dr. Averback is a very skilled surgeon who is attentive to his patients' needs. Any questions are always answered promtly.
St. Agnes was "okay". They took care of me and did what needed to be done. I was just very uncomfortable. However, i chose Averback and St. Agnes, which is an hour away from where i live, because i wanted this particular procedure and St. agnes is designated as a Center of Excellence in Bariartric Surgery. Dr. Averback is the head of Bariatric and Laproscopic Surgery at St. Agnes, You'll be in good hands.
St. Agnes was "okay". They took care of me and did what needed to be done. I was just very uncomfortable. However, i chose Averback and St. Agnes, which is an hour away from where i live, because i wanted this particular procedure and St. agnes is designated as a Center of Excellence in Bariartric Surgery. Dr. Averback is the head of Bariatric and Laproscopic Surgery at St. Agnes, You'll be in good hands.
Hi Angie!
I was 497 pounds when I went for my initial consult and I was 432 pounds when I had my surgery. As long as you keep dieting, it will keep shrinking your liver. That's a huge determining factor in the open vs. laparscopic game. I was on a liquid diet for two weeks leading up to my surgery and to my surprise, they did it laparoscopically. So keep at your dieting.
I was 497 pounds when I went for my initial consult and I was 432 pounds when I had my surgery. As long as you keep dieting, it will keep shrinking your liver. That's a huge determining factor in the open vs. laparscopic game. I was on a liquid diet for two weeks leading up to my surgery and to my surprise, they did it laparoscopically. So keep at your dieting.
I admit it, I suck at dieting... I really really suck at it... I have no will power once I get stressed to my max... I am plodding along with my daily dieting, and will do the 2 weeks of liquid when I get to that point...
How did you lose 65lbs before surgery?? That is amazing!!! I have lost about 15 since doing the 6 months supervised weight loss, and just can't seem to get the weight off... I am tired of journaling daily and I admit I have slipped some on that since my 6th month doctor visit... Even she thought I was not losing as I should with my journal -- and I was good and wrote everything down, even when I knew it was something I should have not had... Honest I am! :)
The one thing I need to do before my 2 weeks of liquids start is stop drinking diet coke -- that is my biggest addiction!
How did you lose 65lbs before surgery?? That is amazing!!! I have lost about 15 since doing the 6 months supervised weight loss, and just can't seem to get the weight off... I am tired of journaling daily and I admit I have slipped some on that since my 6th month doctor visit... Even she thought I was not losing as I should with my journal -- and I was good and wrote everything down, even when I knew it was something I should have not had... Honest I am! :)
The one thing I need to do before my 2 weeks of liquids start is stop drinking diet coke -- that is my biggest addiction!
to be honest, for my 6 month dieting, I was on mostly liquids the whole 6 months. I would do nothing but drink all day and have a small meal at night....provided that I took vitamin supplements. I had to lose the weight or my surgeon wouldn't operate on me. It's amazing how much you lose when you switch off sodas and go to something like crystal light :) I haven't had a soda in over a year now.
You brave soul... I am hoping my surgeon doesn't make me wait to long for surgery... To be honest, I am ready tomorrow... ROFL.. I have waited to see the surgeon because in the packet from the seminar they gave me a pre-appointment check list -- so I checked them all off and have been going to my doctor, getting the tests done, etc. When I went to meet with the NUT in his office, I made the appointment with the surgeon and handed over my pack of papers... Apparently I got a package with a pre- next appointment paper in it, and did not need to do all I did before my first meeting *Grins* So I am way ahead of where I would be -- emotionally at least. I meet with the psych evaluator for their group tomorrow and then on Friday I get to meet with the surgeon at last!
I have begun my quitting of diet sodas, it is diet at least, but I sitll need to break the habit... I have discovered the McDonalds has light lemonade, so my morning stop there used to be a large diet coke, but Friday and today I drank lemonade... Wendy's has iced tea unsweetened so I have been doing that when I do have to go out for lunch... I also bought crystal light peach tea and pink lemonade at the grocery store last night instead of diet coke... The pattern here is to break the diet coke habit... That is my first thought when I get out of bed is to get a glass -- my mom always laughed and called it my cigarette when I was in high school, but I just can't not want it... This morning I had iced tea and it just isn't the same...
I also bought EAS protein drinks for the first time last night and will be trying them tomorrow for lunch with yogurt and/or cottage cheese... we shall see how I do!
I have begun my quitting of diet sodas, it is diet at least, but I sitll need to break the habit... I have discovered the McDonalds has light lemonade, so my morning stop there used to be a large diet coke, but Friday and today I drank lemonade... Wendy's has iced tea unsweetened so I have been doing that when I do have to go out for lunch... I also bought crystal light peach tea and pink lemonade at the grocery store last night instead of diet coke... The pattern here is to break the diet coke habit... That is my first thought when I get out of bed is to get a glass -- my mom always laughed and called it my cigarette when I was in high school, but I just can't not want it... This morning I had iced tea and it just isn't the same...
I also bought EAS protein drinks for the first time last night and will be trying them tomorrow for lunch with yogurt and/or cottage cheese... we shall see how I do!
Dr. Averbaugh does not do a liquid diet after surgery... he does pureed... I keep hearing others mention the liquids, but he sends his patients home on pureed -- anything the consistency of applesauce or more liquidy is good apparently... Cottage cheese and yogurt are at the top of the lists besides the protein shakes, etc.
I am hoping someone here who has been with Dr. Averbaugh has some good pureed type suggestions for the first 2 weeks after surgery... :)
I am hoping someone here who has been with Dr. Averbaugh has some good pureed type suggestions for the first 2 weeks after surgery... :)