3 Things for Friday
Well another week has flown by : hope everyone has had a good one.
Today I am grateful for
1. My family & our getting together to celebrate my nieces wedding tomorrow
2. My OH friends : cann't wait to see some of you tonight.
3. Unexpected compliments : been on a compliment high this week and I am so
eternally grateful to DVR and WLS.
So Maryland : whats up in your world today?
1.) It is Friday and my daughter is happy there is no homework
2.) My friends and there wonderful support.
3.) BOXES It is great fun packing and the move is going to be even more fun. I am up to my ears in boxes but this is all worth it.
4.) My attorney! Love her!
5.) Another good day at physical therapy and things are starting to look up. I might even get on a treadmill this coming week! I pray!
1 - I have to agree that the fact that it is Friday ranks pretty high on my list for today.
2 - That my leg feels better today. I have had a kink in my leg all week that was affecting my walking somewhat. I had to really concentrate to move it right. I was getting to the point where I thought I was going to have to call the MD. However, I did 2 pool classes last night and it is feeling better today. Perhaps it was just one of those things and the work out stretched it out in the right way. I sure hope so. I don't want to deal with any physical probs right now. We will see how the day goes.
3 - Having some fun tonight with friends. I am looking forward to some laughs and relaxation!
Have a super weekend!
Glad to hear thar everything is going great with you. Isn't wonderful to get those unexpected compliments? Congrats!
Today I am grateful for:
1. God's mercy and love!
2. Great friends!
3. The unconditional love that my children have for me. They make my day!
Have a wonderful weekend!
I am who I am and accept my feelings wholeheartedly.
Those that mind don't matter, and those that matter don't mind.
Cira 249/144.0 current/goal 154/ 5'3" 10 lbs below my Dr's goal