Dressing up for Halloween?
Tina's party post and searching the internet yesterday for Pokemon costumes got me to thinking. Who's dressing up, even if you're staying home?
Me? I'm gonna dress up as a single wedding guest!!! Heather's dressing up as a pregnant wedding guest!! Maybe Floyd, too, unless he's in his DJ costume!!
Even Happy has a purple t-shirt with candy corn and the words, "Trick or Treat!"
B has decided that as much as he loves Pokemon, he NEEDS to be Darth Vader again this year. K hasn't decided yet. Last year, she went as the game Twister and looked great!!!
Sadly, I will miss Halloween with KB, for the first time in 12 years. But I'm NOT missing the wedding of my dear friend!!
How 'bout you? Are you dressing up? How bout your pet? Do you subject THEM to the humiliation of being costumed?
Me? I'm gonna dress up as a single wedding guest!!! Heather's dressing up as a pregnant wedding guest!! Maybe Floyd, too, unless he's in his DJ costume!!
Even Happy has a purple t-shirt with candy corn and the words, "Trick or Treat!"
B has decided that as much as he loves Pokemon, he NEEDS to be Darth Vader again this year. K hasn't decided yet. Last year, she went as the game Twister and looked great!!!
Sadly, I will miss Halloween with KB, for the first time in 12 years. But I'm NOT missing the wedding of my dear friend!!
How 'bout you? Are you dressing up? How bout your pet? Do you subject THEM to the humiliation of being costumed?
I'll probably dress up as a witch (not too far of a change for me though)hahaha!! I have a black robe like costume that a friend made for me 7 or 8 years ago, and since I've lost a little weight (trying to get approved), I can probably fit back in to that again. I'll just wear it to pass out candy, my hubby takes the little one out every year, so I stay home and pass out candy, and usually get a little tipsy while I'm doing it!!...guess that won't be the case next year! I already have a fairy costume waiting for me for next year!!
When I used to have a house and trick or treaters, I used to always dress up for my "guests". I made them "earn" what they got from me - brahahahahahahaha! Horror, i.e. something dead is my fav category. Now that I am in a condo, i don't get trick or treaters any more.
But for the last several years, I have instigated dressing up at work. We make special treats and take pics and basically have fun with it. Each year I have more join in than the year before. This year I feel like my options have expanded as to what I can be. I have been thinking about it for a couple of weeks now, but have not settled on anything. I have already bought some new decorations for the office. I put a mini pumpkin in my desk this morning. I am definitely getting into the "spirit"!
But for the last several years, I have instigated dressing up at work. We make special treats and take pics and basically have fun with it. Each year I have more join in than the year before. This year I feel like my options have expanded as to what I can be. I have been thinking about it for a couple of weeks now, but have not settled on anything. I have already bought some new decorations for the office. I put a mini pumpkin in my desk this morning. I am definitely getting into the "spirit"!
Hey Deb!!!
Our trick or treaters have diminished over the years - it used to be every house handed it out, but not now. I still think we give out about 10 pounds, though!!! And I make Mom buy the stuff I don't like!!!
There's no way on earth I'd ever get the guys at work to dress up - beyond dressing like Troopers, that is!!! I usually take off on Halloween anyway, and make chili, cornbread and brownies for a small open house we have. It's kind of a come and eat as you will sort of thing. I'll still make it this year, but they're on their own!!
I think I'm going to dress up as a fairy this year. The last 2 years we had murder mystery parties so last year I was a flapper girl and the year before was a tavern wench. lol
We get no trick or treaters..or if we are lucky we may get one or two. We live on a pretty busy street and there is no sidewalk on our side. So I don't dress up to hand out candy, I'd just be sitting there in costume watching tv. lol
Last year I didn't dress up the dogs but I am thinking about it this year. I am sure they are going to hate me.
We get no trick or treaters..or if we are lucky we may get one or two. We live on a pretty busy street and there is no sidewalk on our side. So I don't dress up to hand out candy, I'd just be sitting there in costume watching tv. lol
Last year I didn't dress up the dogs but I am thinking about it this year. I am sure they are going to hate me.
I'll be dressing up as a bride this year....oh wait! I really am going to be a bride...WOWZER! Whod've thunk it??!!!
hehe...I had a few moments before going to bed and thought I'd log in here and see how everyone is doing. I'm doing great, just hectic, hectic time right now. I can't wait for the wedding to be over with and the honeymoon where I am going to do absolutely nothing but lounge around.
hehe...I had a few moments before going to bed and thought I'd log in here and see how everyone is doing. I'm doing great, just hectic, hectic time right now. I can't wait for the wedding to be over with and the honeymoon where I am going to do absolutely nothing but lounge around.