Today, I'm grateful for:
1. That my date on Saturday night was fun. I can't see it leading anywhere - the guy is SUCH a workaholic, but it was nice having some male company. We met for a drink at Red Brick Station in White Marsh - that place is hoppin' even at midnight!!
2. That Darla and Kathy arrived home safely from their cruise/flight. At least, they made it to the Orlando Airport, where they called me!! Dying to see pics!!!
3. That I had a busy, productive weekend. I got some transcribing done, did laundry at my brother's and got some of my own stuff done. Boring, but productive!!!
Hope everyone has a great day and week!
1. My furbaby ( she shadowed me Tia thank god not peeing all over me) & parents
& brotherinlaw sister and niece all greeted me yesterday.
After starting laundry and unpacking a bit we went out to dinner.
2. That there are no major fires to put out at work - my coworkers really did a
great job and I am SO very grateful for that.
3. That Kathy and I had a good time together: was worried about the
roomate close quarters issue and we got along so well it was amazing.
I think shes got me hooked on Trivia now LOL
4. That I did not gain any weight - I admit to making some poor choices but
the walking in the gym, around the deck and basically all over the ship saved
me from weight gain.
Welcome Home Darla and Kathy! I still missed you even though you kept in touch. I am glad you had a great time.
1 - My nephew Joe's birthday. I celebrated with him, his girlfriend and her parents on Sunday night. We had a great relaxing time. I always feel happy to spend time with him and them too. I found the perfect card this year. I had been saving it for months. I could not tell because it was a little dark, but I think it got him a bit too! It is so great when you find the card that says exactly the right words in exactly the right way.
2 - That my nephew's gerlfriend's family has a relative with a health scare over the weekend. It was a mild stroke, but looks like there is every reason to expect a full recovery. The damage is minimal and she is already doing much better.
3 - That I am taking the day off tomorrow. It is a jam packed day. First I am celebrating a good friend's birthday over breakfast. Then I have my long awaited cardiology checkup. I can't wait for him to see my improvement and am hoping he will finally take me off of and or reduce some of my meds. These meds are the onyl ones I am still taking. The rest of the afternoon will be errands. But I will feel great to get them out of the way.
Awww, glad you got welcomed appropriately!!!
DOUBLY glad that after what you left at work, it wasn't as bad coming back as you had feared!!
You know, that whole unfamiliar roommate thing can be quite uncomfortable - although I stayed with people I thought I knew well about 10 years ago, and wanted to leave the vacation screaming! Glad it worked out for you two. I'd love to share a cabin with the two of you....of course, should I get that better offer that you mentioned....!!! LOL!!!
OMG!! I LOVED the trivia games that we played in the lounges. They were even more fun after a couple "drinks of the day!" LOL!!!!
Stay tuned after Thanksgiving - I'm gonna do a daily Christmas trivia.
2. For wonderful friends here that we missed, that missed us, and that we could toast to, and look forward to future cruising with. Plus, meeting new wonderful friends who share common interests, and common goals. We met a lot of great people.
3. For a great friend, who I can't wait to vacation with again. Never before have I vacationed with a friend, and been able to say that!
4. That my roommate missed the internet, and is going to pay A LITTLE towards it every month. Long story, but it IS good news!