Some vacation recaps

Kathy T.
on 9/15/08 12:25 am - Rosedale, MD
My mini WOW moment - I bought a one size fits all bathing suit coverup, and it's quite comfortable, with a nice amount of room to spare.

My major WOW moment - I had a metabolic test done, and my current percentage of body fat is 26.7! The machine put my target weight loss at 11 more pounds, lol. I want to lose 25 more, which is still above the goal I originally set. But, I am very happy with my progress. My major problem is water weight. I had no intention of buying all the expensive products they were trying to sell me, but I know I can look at GNC or Vitamin Shoppe, or even with my doctor for something to help with the excess water weight.

I had an amazing time! I made mostly good food choices. The minor things that I did that weren't exactly in my food plan, like small slices of pizza, and a few beers were 1)  minor 2) few and far between and 3) mixed with lots of exercise and activity.

I WENT PARASAILING!! I don't know exactly why I wasn't sure if I wanted to do this in the first place. I'm not afraid of heights, I am a good swimmer, I love boats... but for some reason I just wasn't sure. We went, and bonus, got to ride tandem, and it was amazing. My first words when we got our feet back on the boat deck were "can we go again?" lol. The views were amazing. There is no fear involved, at least for me. You don't even feel as though you might not land on something solid. It's almost as if the water turns into a floor for you. I had such a blast, and really can't wait to do it again. Next time, I also plan on trying the zip line. It looked like a lot of fun, and several of our fellow cruisers tried it and confirmed it is loads of fun.

I won $500 playing slots. I was blown away by this! I am not a gambler. There is no risk of this being my transfer addiction, lol. I have always liked the casino. I live paycheck to paycheck, so I have always been able to set realistic goals for the amount of money I will allow myself to spend to "play" this game. I had spent $15 the first time we went, but walked away with $31, so I was up $16. I brought $20 the second time, and we just planned to waste a little bit of time while we waited for our dinner seating. On my 4th or 5th pull (at $1.25 a bet), the lights started flashing and bells went off. It didn't tell me how much I had won (prior small wins had always given me $ amounts). The attendant came over and asked for my seapass (onboard credit/ID card) and said congratulations, I'll be right back with your $501.00. The bells and lights continued until he came back, and counted $501.25 into my hand. It was all quite exciting! I rewarded myself by putting a deposit down for myself and Darla on next year's cruise to lose. I still have $ left over for more practical things too!

The food on board was amazing. Sometimes it was tough having to choose between 2 delicious things. On prior cruises, I'd just have both. But, it was overall easy to keep on track. They did have delicious sugar free/no sugar added desserts every night. Some of them were loaded with sugar alcohol, which I paid for, but at least I could have something sweet. Sugar alcohol has the opposite effect on me of most people, I get constipated. But, I brought along my gas-x, and laxatives, and was able to relieve much of the discomfort. One dessert free day in the middle of the trip got me back on track. Otherwise, there were great protein loaded options for every meal. This was by far the best food of all of my 3 cruises.

I have a bag full of Royal Caribbean giveaways. They were prizes for winning the trivia and name that tune, and name that logo games. I might have identified my transfer addiction as trivia, lol. Then again, I did alot of that on my last cruise too. My very patient roomie joined me (and helped out several times) for many of the games.

We met people from OH from all over. Everyone was so nice, and a lot of fun. People were all over the board in their journeys.

We exercised, almost every day. Even when we didn't go to the gym, or up to the track to walk, we walked a lot all over the ship, or all over our ports, and we used the steps much more than we would have in the past. I'm proud of our level of activity. I don't have an exact number, but it looks like I lost 2-3 pounds.

I think I took about 200 pictures. I don't know for sure. I forgot to bring my SD card with me today, but will do that tomorrow and get the photos saved to CD so I can share some here, and email some to people that we met. Also, we can plan a get together sometime soon to see the rest.

Our OH MD friends were thought of often, and missed. I hope that some of you will consider joining us next year. The cruise is slated for 11/1/09, and is 7 days again. I will post links to info about the ship (Liberty of the Seas) and the ports (Costa Maya and Cozamel Mexico and Grand Cayman). The cost will depend on what type of room you choose, and how many roommates you decide on. But, I guarantee it will be a good time, and I know I'll have a better time with even more friends onboard.

(deactivated member)
on 9/15/08 12:36 am - Middle River, MD
Kathy -

I am SO glad you had fun on the cruise!!  As hard as you work, you definitely deserved it!!!

When Darla told me about the $500 yesterday, I was SOOOO excited for you!!!  WOO-HOO!!!!

Your WOW moments are AWESOME, too!!!!  I'm so happy for you and proud of you!  Keep up the good work!!


Debbie L.
on 9/15/08 12:47 am - Baltimore, MD

Thank you so much for sharing. I am so glad you had a great time. I greatly enjoyed reading all about your wonderful highlights. You definitely have me tempted for next year. I have never been on a cruise, so it would be a totally new experience for me! (I can't say I will do the parasailing though - LOL!)

Congratulations! This was your reward for all your hard work!
on 9/15/08 12:41 am - Anne Arundel County, MD
Welcome home!   Sounds like a wonderful fun time.   Can't wait to see the pictures.  Only 200 pics?   I can do that in an afternoon .. lol .. but then my addiction is photography.


Comparison is the thief of joy!

If we spend our time comparing our life/weight loss/body to others, we totally miss what WE have accomplished.   Keep in mind how far you have come and what you can do now that you couldn't do weeks/months/years ago.   I hate the expression " It's all good", but in this case it fits!   Wherever you are in your journey  ... It's ALL good!!!

Darla P.
on 9/15/08 1:35 am - Timonium, MD

I have a couple Wow moments I would like too mention as well

The first was before the plane even took off   THE SEATBELT FIT WITH ROOM TO SPARE
AND THE TRAY TABLE SAT FLAT !!  I was so nervous about the plane seatbelt that
I cried when it fit:  LOL Kathy took a picture of me.

I would have to say little wow moments occured all week.  The best were
being able to walk the stairs a good part of the time :  I have a fear of falling
so this was a big one for me.

We walked a lot around Cozumel and Jamaica and while I tired and was
relieved to get back to the pool on the ship I could never have done
half as much as what we did a year and a half ago.

Honestly the best part was meeting so many people having WOW moments and
sharing them with eachother.  We had two support group meetings and a
"goodbye" meeting and it was so nice to hear peoples amazement over
things they were able to do.

So gang like Kathy said we have 14 months until the next cruise to lose so think about it:  The only thing that could have made it better was to have more of you on board with us.



Darla     -



(deactivated member)
on 9/15/08 1:48 am - Middle River, MD

DP -

I'm so happy for your wow moments, too - even if you DID text me early in the a.m. on the one day I could sleep in to tell me!!  LOL!!!  That's okay - anything for you!!!

I can't wait to hear all the stories.

Again......WHERE'S my cowboy?????!!!!

Love ya, missed ya, mean it!


on 9/15/08 3:44 am - New Port Richey, FL
OMG was that not the most AWESOME Cruise to Lose?!?!  Kathy, it was so GREAT to meet both you and Darla!!  Our group ROCKS!!!  I am still "recovering" today....slowly working my way back to normal...but I must say, around 10 p.m. last night, I had an urge to find "Wig & Gavel" and our gang for some laughs!!!  WOW is all I can say!!  I SO cannot WAIT til next November 1st!!!!!  Liberty of the Seas, LOOK OUT cuz here come the INFAMOUS CRUISERS TO LOSE!  WOO HOOO!!! 

~ Terri - Come on and CRUISE TO LOSE with us!

(deactivated member)
on 9/15/08 10:53 pm - MD

It sounds like you had a fabulous time!  I am in awe that you braved parasailing and it wasn't scary to you!  woo hoo on exercising daily and winning 501 dollars!  I look forward to seeing you and your pictures this Friday, although I may be arriving later than 6:30 depending on traffic. 
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