Bayview WLS Research
I spoke with Ginny... she said for the RNY she is booked, however she has many slots available for Lapband, Sleeve, and D/S.
I'm going to crosspost your message to those boards to help get the word out.
Pffft! Almost wanted to make me change my mind on which surgery... that's a great chunk-o-change to save for plastics!
Thanks again for sharing the info.
I'm going to crosspost your message to those boards to help get the word out.
Pffft! Almost wanted to make me change my mind on which surgery... that's a great chunk-o-change to save for plastics!
Thanks again for sharing the info.
Heather- It wasn't that bad!!! I was just exhausted after my 8 hour clamp study....Jennifer, you will be fine. You are really in good hands too.
FYI, I got a muscle biopsy as part of the clamp study. Its a punch biopsy and its really not painful...its just weird and kinda gross. I had the chief of surgery perform the procedure and he was WONDERFUL. You can say no to the biopsy if you want... seriously! I just wanted to prove to myself that I am a trooper.
FYI, I got a muscle biopsy as part of the clamp study. Its a punch biopsy and its really not painful...its just weird and kinda gross. I had the chief of surgery perform the procedure and he was WONDERFUL. You can say no to the biopsy if you want... seriously! I just wanted to prove to myself that I am a trooper.
I wasn't trying to deter her, I just wanted her to be prepared in case it was mandatory. lol I still say ICK! I almost passed out after watching it be done, not sure I'd want it done, but for the sake of medicine you KNOW I would LOL Hope all is well with classes! Let me know if they figure out the liver issue!