I TRY to keep it balanced. lol....does that count??? Hell, all our money is spent before the paycheck comes home so I really wonder why the hell we have a bank account in the first place...oh I know why...So we don't pay a check cashing do my best to keep it up to date...Its when we get overdrawn that I totally lose it.. We don't get overdrawn because I don't balance it. Its because we are in need of things before pay day comes....For instance, the cable guy coming and knocking on the door this morning because our bill is overdue...IT SUCKS!!!!!!
I'm with April. I USED to bew so religious about keeping a checkbook but once ATM's came and debit cards and credit cards and all that stuff to confuse me - I do it all online. When I'm tight I may check it a few times a week but normally just keep an eye on it about once a week and have never had a problem.
I PAY EVERYTHING ONLINE K-Dub - and i mean everything! It's great!
I PAY EVERYTHING ONLINE K-Dub - and i mean everything! It's great!
Haven't balanced my checkbook in like a year. I just pray to god I add and subtract correctly every month. I keep any eye on the receipts when I take out money or put money in, and kind of eye the fact that is around where it should be. I keep all my statements because I say I'm always going to go back through and make sure I got everything, but rarely does that materialize.
Okay you can call me obsessive. I balance every day. Each morning I go online and check what posted the day before. I can't stand not knowing - to the penny - how much I have in my account. Plus I got burned before. A former employee stole my checking account routing number and account number and paid her cell phone bill on a check by phone (using my money). Over $300. I had to fight with the bank and tell them that that wasn't my bill and that I didn't give her permission to use my account. Ever since then I'm paranoid. Plus for me, it's easier to do it a little day by day then sitting down once a month and stressing over it.
Okay you can call me obsessive. I balance every day. Each morning I go online and check what posted the day before. I can't stand not knowing - to the penny - how much I have in my account. Plus I got burned before. A former employee stole my checking account routing number and account number and paid her cell phone bill on a check by phone (using my money). Over $300. I had to fight with the bank and tell them that that wasn't my bill and that I didn't give her permission to use my account. Ever since then I'm paranoid. Plus for me, it's easier to do it a little day by day then sitting down once a month and stressing over it.
Lisa Z.
When we believe, all things are possible!
I never do. Not for years. I'm a geek so I've been doing everything online for a few years now. I know a few tips and tricks to get what I need like GAS or something like that when I run low on fundage. But if I've been spending like a mad man, I'll wait a week and not spend anything just so I can get a current balance.
The most effective one is when you're low on cash and it's a day or so to pay day and you have an empty tank of gas. simply use you debit card as a credit card. when you use it as a debit card, they take money out of your account right away. However if you use it as a credit card, it can take up to 5 days or longer for the charge to hit your account. so in essence you are floating yourself money until pay day and if you work it right, you'll get paid before the charge hits your account so you have money in it to pay the charge. Now pumps go out for 1.06 authorization on your card. if you don't have that in the bank then you're pretty much sunk. but if you have like $5 in the bank......and it's a couple days to pay day, fill'er up. You'll have it covered :)