Anyone else bruise easily???
Now if I was tan like you Kristen, I don't think I would notice
I had RNY in Feb of 08 and I thought that I was the only one experiencing this bruising. My legs are all bruised it looks like I have been in quite a few fights. I have bruises all over my arms and on weird spots on my legs too. I can't attribute these bruises to anything at all. The only thing that comes to mind with me is that when I was in the hospital during my RNY I was put on heparin and I have been told that heparin and any blood thinner medication could cause extreme bruising, but I didn't realize that almost 6 months after I have stopped taking it I could still bruise so easily. Have you been on any medication like a blood thinner? You may want to check online to see some of the side effects of any medications you may taking, bruising may be a side effect, just a thought!