Hey Nic!!
I assume you're having the procedure done by Dr. C? I had the same procedure done several months ago by her predecessor, Dr. Marek, and while I'm not anxious to do it again, it WAS necessary and everything turned out okay. I'm sure it will for you, too, but please don't hesitate to call me if you need anything. Did they tell you to take some Tylenol about 40 minutes before? If not.....DO IT!!!!
Glad things seem to be on the upswing for you!!
Hugs! Make sure you let me know how everything goes on Wednesday.
2 - New clothes - This may not necessarily be a good thing - LOL! But, I fear I will never get tired of it! I was supposed to be shopping for some upcoming birthdays and wound up shopping for me. After all, I had a serious coupon that I had to use before it expires this month. The sizing is so weird. Depending on the cut, and the brand, I run across 3 different sizes! I also found a top in Macy's. This is the first time I have ever bought clothes for myself in Macy's. It is so nice to have so many options.
3 - My plants are still alive - A couple of weeks ago, Ms. "brown thumb" here, decided to add some house plants. I picked out several that I hope are hearty and do not require a lot of care. So far, I have managed to remember to water them. In fact they are looking pretty good, if I do say so myself. This may not sound like much to you all, but if you knew my "plant history", you would know this is a major accomplishment for me! Time will truly tell the tale.
P.S. I was thinking about Darla and Kathy and found a web site with news on the cruise ships. Many of them, including the one that I think they are on, have reversed the itinerary in order to avoid the bad weather. Hopefully, this will do the trick!
Hey Deb!!!!
Miss seeing you!!! I guess by the time Darla and Kathy get back, it'll be time to get together to look at their pics!!! I hope their itinerary isn't changed too much!
I LOVE to go shopping. But if I'm shopping for clothes for myself, I prefer to do it by myself. Now, my Mom, on the other hand, she likes me to go with her so she can model the clothes!!1 LOL!!!
Right there with ya on killing plants. Hmmm.....maybe there's a good reason I DON'T have kids!!! LOL!!
1. Pain meds. I have a kidney stone and the pain sucks the life out of me. I will probably have lithotripsy later this week. Just waiting for the surgeons office to call.
2. I will be missing the JACHO visit!! I hate the stress.
3. My house is clean (including beds being stripped) courtesy of my husband.
As for my hubby, he really is awesome. To think on our first date I told him he was not my type. At the end of that date, he asked me out again. I love him and his baldheaded goodness!!