OT Calling all Italians!

(deactivated member)
on 8/26/08 10:38 am - FL

My Italian Father sent me this and I thought I would share.  Hugs Kristen

I am sure for most second generation Italian American children
who grew up in the 40's and 50's there was a definite distinction between
us and them.  We were Italians, everybody else, the Irish, the Germans, the
Poles, they were Americans. 
I was well into adulthood before I realized I was an American.
I had been born American and lived here all my life, but Americans were
people who ate peanut butter and jelly sandwiches on mushy white bread. I had
no animosity towards them, it's just I thought ours was the better way with
our bread man, egg man, java man, vegetable man, the chicken man, to
name a few of the peddlers who came to our neighborhoods. We knew them, they
knew us. 
Americans went to the A&P.(supermarket) It amazed me that some
friends and classmates on Thanksgiving and Christmas ate only turkey with stuffing,
potatoes, and cranberry sauce. We had turkey, but after antipasto, soup,
lasagna,  meatballs and salad. In case someone came in who didn't like
turkey, we also  had a roast of beef.  Soon after we were eating fruits, nuts,
pastries and  homemade cookies sprinkled with little colored things. 
This is where you learned to eat a seven course meal between
noon and four PM, how to handle hot chestnuts and put peaches in wine.
Italians live a romance with food. 
Sundays we would wake up to the smell of garlic and onions
frying in olive oil. We always had macaroni and sauce. Sunday would not be
Sunday without going to mass. Of course you couldn't eat before mass because
you had to fast before receiving communion. We knew when we got home
we'd find meatballs frying, and nothing tasted better than newly cooked
meatballs with crisp bread dipped into a pot of hot gravy. 
Another difference between them and us was we had gardens. Not
just with flowers, but tomatoes, peppers, basil, lettuce and "cucuzza". 
Everybody had a grapevine and fig tree. In the fall we drank
homemade wine arguing over who made the best. Those gardens thrived because
we had something our American friends didn't seem to have. We had
It's not that they didn't have grandparents. It's just they
didn't live in the same house or street. We ate with our grandparents, and
God forbid we didn't visit them 3 times a week I can still remember my
grandfather telling us how he came to America when he was young, on the "boat". 
I'll never forget the holidays when the relatives would gather
at my Grandparents's house, the women in the kitchen, the men in the
living room,  the kids everywhere. I must have fifty cousins. My grandfather
sat in the middle of it all drinking his wine he was so proud of his
family and how well they had done. 

When my grandparents died, things began to change. Family
gatherings were fewer and something seemed to be missing. Although we did get
together usually at my mother's house, I always had the feeling grandma
and grandpa were there. 
It's understandable things change. We all have families of our
own and Grandchildren of our own. Today we visit once in a while or
meet at wakes or weddings. Other things have also changed. The old house my
grandparents bought is now covered with aluminum siding. A green lawn
covers the soil that grew the tomatoes. THERE WAS NO ONE TO COVER THE FIG
The holidays have changed. We still make family "rounds" but
somehow things have become more formal. The great quantities of food we
consumed, without any ill effects, is not good for us anymore. Too much starch,
too much cholesterol, too may calories in the pastries. 
The difference between "us" and "them" isn't so easily defined
anymore, and I guess that's good. My grandparents were Italian-Italians, my
parents were Italian-Americans. I'm an American and proud of it, just as my
grandparents would want me to be. We are all Americans now...the Irish,
Germans, Poles, all U.S. Citizens. 
But somehow I still feel a little bit Italian. Call it
culture...call it roots...I'm not sure what it is. All I do know is that my
children, grandchildren, nieces, and nephews, have been cheated out of a
wonderful piece of our heritage. 

(deactivated member)
on 8/26/08 11:19 am - Millersville, MD
i got this in email and sent it to my mother.  she's a first generation born in the US pure bred.  she cried when she read it!!
on 8/26/08 10:32 pm
OMG! !  So true.  Just go to profile and read my profile about growing up Italian and Sunday's at my Italian grandparents house!!!!  Only Italians could relate to this. My maternal grandparents came over from Italy through Ellis Island in 1918 when my mother was just 6 months old.   God, I miss my them all everyday and if I could turn back time I would give anything just to be able to spend at least one whole day with all three of them treasuring and savoring each moment.  Oh, I am in tears now- but good ones- gotta go!!!  

Thanks Kristen for sharing this- I have copied it and am giving it to my children.


Taking the Journey One Day at a Time!Terri

(deactivated member)
on 8/26/08 10:40 pm - FL
You are my most Fav. Italian Woman EVER!  We need to be cooking some mean food soon!  I can teach you to make some nice Turkey meatballs.
Hugs Kristen
on 8/27/08 10:16 am

Right back at you!!!!!!!!!!!!!   Love Ya - Girl


Taking the Journey One Day at a Time!Terri

(deactivated member)
on 8/27/08 8:37 am - Millersville, MD
have you visited ellis island to see their names on the wall?  we did that two years ago to see my grandparents and my great-grandparent's names.  it was was awesome.
Heather M.
on 8/27/08 8:31 am - Rosedale, MD
OMG, I've got to send this to my Mom!  Of course, all that food is part of the reason some of us got big LOL  But, there is NOTHING better than fresh sauce and fresh bread together!  For now I'll take a nice big meatball loaded with sauce topped with some parm! Hmmm, sounds like tomorrow's lunch to me!

Revised to VSG (6/11/09) weighing 253...



(deactivated member)
on 8/27/08 8:32 am - Middle River, MD

If that's what you want, then we SO need to go to PJ's - they have the BEST meatballs/sauce - well, next to homemade, that is!!!  Plus, they serve Yago!!!  WOO-HOO!!!


Heather M.
on 8/27/08 8:35 am - Rosedale, MD
Ummm, HELLO FGM!  I can't DO Yago right now!  lol  However, PJ's sounds SOOO good!  What's going on with your Dad tomorrow?  You going to be home?  Kylie is always up for a slice.

Revised to VSG (6/11/09) weighing 253...



(deactivated member)
on 8/27/08 8:37 am - Middle River, MD
Ummmm......HELLO!!  The Yago's for me, OH PREGNANT ONE!!!

Dad's procedure is at 11, I expect we'll be there most of the day, but I'll call you.  If you're going to be home Saturday night, we can do carry-out/in.  I should be ready to escape by then!!!

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