really NEED SOME HELP please!
I have been going to several seminars on WLS....and still not feeling totally comfortable with it and my best friend has had Gastric and finally confessed that she wishes she really hadn't gone through with it. I know everyone is different and we all have to make our choices but my gut (no pun intended) is really telling me that gastric may not be for me, and after a very disturbing feeling I had after a Lapband seminar and something a Lap patient said to me, really made me feel that I need to rethink things and approach my obesity in a different manner. What I would like to find is a really good therapist that specializes in obesity/weight loss and see if insurance will cover that....even if it wont, I 'd like to explore that option with the weight loss program I am already on. If ANYone has any thoughts, or suggestions I'd gladly welcome them...thank you so very much! Chloe in Rockville