I did a 5k this morning, but now I don't feel so good !
Hey everyone,
I have been working my butt off lately and want to run/walk a full marathon in January in Phoenix, AZ. In the meantime I decided to enter some shorter races for some training and to talk to other participants to see what their training methods are. I ran the 5K River Valley Run in Manchester, MD (Carroll County) this morning and in my age bracket I finished 12th out of 38, not too bad huh? I ran the race in 32 mins 12 seconds, I thought the clock was broken when I came through the finish line, because there was no way, I thought, that I could have beat my best time of 42 mins 23 seconds.
Now the problem, I am at work tonight and after the run my son and I stopped to have lunch. I ate 2 bites of my lunch around 12:45 p.m. and ever since then I have been sooooooooooooooooo sick, throwing up ever since. I used to lay down and take a nap and when I woke up I would feel much better, that unfortunately didn't work this time! I think it was my lunch, maybe the 2 bites were 2 bites too many, I don't know. I just know that I don't feel well at all!
I know pepto is a no no but I was wondering if there was anything else I could take, maybe tums?
I haven't been sick in a long while and when I was I was taking the dr prescribed nausea medication, which I don't have with me, so I don't know what I can take over the counter.
Please help, I don't get off of wor****il 7am tomorrow, so if I don't get some relief this is gonna be a long night!
Thanks Jennifer,
I was told by my surgeon that Pepto is a no no after surgery. I am not sure if it is a forever no no or a short term no no. I know he said that it could irritate my pouch and to stay away from it. I am not sure about mylanta though.
As for the 5K, I am also very proud of myself. I am so glad I did it, now on to some longer races.
Maybe the 2012 summer olympics? LOL
Thanks again!
Hope this helpful sorry I did not see your post earlier
Thanks Terri,
As for what I ate. It was a chicken chesapeake wrap. It had chicken, cheese and crabmeat. I have had problems with fish and shrimp since surgery so I am wondering if maybe I should stay away from seafood altogether
I have tried some tums, and so far so good, no more vomiting for now. I totally forgot about the gas-x strips, they were a life safer for me too for a while after surgery.
Thanks for your help, I just must have had a brain fart!