Debate Part 2
What the heck, Jen? Are you in a relationship from hell or just posting this hypothetically?
If he is constantly comparing you to his ex, whether favorably or negatively, it still a sign that he's still wrapped up in the prior relationship. He needs to have his unfinished business finished before he starts a new relationship. I would point out to him that you do not like ti and if he cannot stop he has some unresolved feelings. I had a guy break up with me over my doing this a while ago. I was still reeling from my divorce and I just couldn't get the past out of my mind at the time.
If he is constantly comparing you to his ex, whether favorably or negatively, it still a sign that he's still wrapped up in the prior relationship. He needs to have his unfinished business finished before he starts a new relationship. I would point out to him that you do not like ti and if he cannot stop he has some unresolved feelings. I had a guy break up with me over my doing this a while ago. I was still reeling from my divorce and I just couldn't get the past out of my mind at the time.
The credit card thread...happened to my friend, her hubby made her relinquish her cards to get their debt under control.
The second thread I think happens in relationships, in general. and was wondering if it happens a lot (natural) or should never be mentioned. just wondering.
Relationships are kinda new to me, so I am throwing everything out there. LOL
well now, i have a best friend whos prior roomate lets say sharon lol dated my so and every time we were out that dam name came up, so finally one night i had it, i said i know she was a friend of hers and i understand , but honestly sweetie it agravates the living hell out of me when were all out and all i hear is the name so please stop it or at least curtail it they didnt realize they were even doing it , all is well now and my SO does not ever do it and my girl pam she doesnt anymore. talk to them and hopefully it wont come to blows the time like it did with me lol I SHOUTED DO I LOOK OR ACT LIKE I REALLY GIVE A F@@$@5### ABOUT THE TIMES OR HOW SHE WAS, I MEAN REALLY ENOUGH ALREADY