Today is the absolute best day that I've had in a VERY long time.
(1) The weekend was wonderful, spent with famiy and friends and cooking up a storm. Don't worry.....I didn't eat any of it. In my next life I am destined to be a professional baker - I practiced my baking skills again this weekend with some really good-smelling treats.
(2) We leave for vacation on Sunday, and I can't wait to spend it in a beautiful ocean-front house in the Outer Banks. We just found out that we're taking my step-daughter, her husband, and her son with us, so that'll make the trip even more rewarding.
(3) And the absolute BEST news of all for begins a $600 a MONTH "raise" for us, as my husband's ex-wife is getting remarried today. Today ends her spousal support checks. To celebrate, I test drove a new convertible car on Saturday - I doubt that I'll buy it, but it sure was fun to tool around in a pretty little 'vert with the wind blowing in my hair.
Yes, it is a WONDERFUL day, indeed.
(1) The weekend was wonderful, spent with famiy and friends and cooking up a storm. Don't worry.....I didn't eat any of it. In my next life I am destined to be a professional baker - I practiced my baking skills again this weekend with some really good-smelling treats.
(2) We leave for vacation on Sunday, and I can't wait to spend it in a beautiful ocean-front house in the Outer Banks. We just found out that we're taking my step-daughter, her husband, and her son with us, so that'll make the trip even more rewarding.
(3) And the absolute BEST news of all for begins a $600 a MONTH "raise" for us, as my husband's ex-wife is getting remarried today. Today ends her spousal support checks. To celebrate, I test drove a new convertible car on Saturday - I doubt that I'll buy it, but it sure was fun to tool around in a pretty little 'vert with the wind blowing in my hair.
Yes, it is a WONDERFUL day, indeed.
Wow!! I sure am enjoying reading about all the gratefulness on this board. Seems like many have had or are having WONDERFUL DAYS!
For me they are as follows.
1. Tomorrow is my last day of work for 9 days!!
2. That my middle son, nephew and husband were home this morning when a tractor trailer delivered 50 CASES of paint. Man does that ever make me happy. I can't imagine taking care of it by myself.
3. That Sam's club was able to reprint a reciept for a purchase I made for my son's soccer organization. Now I can turn it in for reimbursement.
4. My mother-in-law will be watching the boys while Dan and I are at the meet and greet (Friday) and formal (Saturday). We actually get to stay in a hotel with no children. I think the last time that happend was the night of our wedding.
For me they are as follows.
1. Tomorrow is my last day of work for 9 days!!
2. That my middle son, nephew and husband were home this morning when a tractor trailer delivered 50 CASES of paint. Man does that ever make me happy. I can't imagine taking care of it by myself.
3. That Sam's club was able to reprint a reciept for a purchase I made for my son's soccer organization. Now I can turn it in for reimbursement.
4. My mother-in-law will be watching the boys while Dan and I are at the meet and greet (Friday) and formal (Saturday). We actually get to stay in a hotel with no children. I think the last time that happend was the night of our wedding.
Good morning Darla!
Thank you for posting.
I am going to be very busy today so I will post quickly and run. I will try to check back in later.
Today I am grateful for:
1. The best time we have had with our friends yesterday at the luncheon. Gino and I wish we had more time with you all. Thank you so much for lunch you guys are awesome.
2. The wonderful gifts Tia & The Modispaw's gave us for our home. We love it!
3. For recovery after a dumping syndrome! lol Yesterday I really over did when we left the restaurant. But I am better today and I will behave!
Have a wonderful day everyone!
Thank you for posting.
I am going to be very busy today so I will post quickly and run. I will try to check back in later.
Today I am grateful for:
1. The best time we have had with our friends yesterday at the luncheon. Gino and I wish we had more time with you all. Thank you so much for lunch you guys are awesome.
2. The wonderful gifts Tia & The Modispaw's gave us for our home. We love it!
3. For recovery after a dumping syndrome! lol Yesterday I really over did when we left the restaurant. But I am better today and I will behave!
Have a wonderful day everyone!
I am who I am and accept my feelings wholeheartedly.
Those that mind don't matter, and those that matter don't mind.
Cira 249/144.0 current/goal 154/ 5'3" 10 lbs below my Dr's goal
Greetings All,
Sorry I have not been around much. I had a fabulous, but jam packed weekend and am into an extremely (but expectedly) busy work week.
1 - Family Reunions - We don't do it every year and as the generations raise new generations, it is so easy to lose track of the family. I also enjoy looking back on the past. The weather was fabulous yesterday and we all had a really great time. I also learned that we are related to an Olympic swimmer (not MP). But the connection goes back at least 4 generations. So his branch is not really aware of us and our branch is really not aware of them. So we won't be calling him to say congratulations, but at least more people will pronounce my last name right when they see it because of him! LOL
2 - A full life - Even though I am exhausted, life is so much fuller. One of my relatives yesterday commented that I seem so much more vibrant and animated compared to the "old" me. (I also have a lot more to talk about!) This journey has made all of that possible.
3 - New Life - I went to a baby shower on Saturday for one of my second cousins. This will be the first baby in the family in a long time and it is always fun to prepare for and enjoy new life. One more month before we get to meet this new little one!
Well, I have to get back to work!
Sorry I have not been around much. I had a fabulous, but jam packed weekend and am into an extremely (but expectedly) busy work week.
1 - Family Reunions - We don't do it every year and as the generations raise new generations, it is so easy to lose track of the family. I also enjoy looking back on the past. The weather was fabulous yesterday and we all had a really great time. I also learned that we are related to an Olympic swimmer (not MP). But the connection goes back at least 4 generations. So his branch is not really aware of us and our branch is really not aware of them. So we won't be calling him to say congratulations, but at least more people will pronounce my last name right when they see it because of him! LOL
2 - A full life - Even though I am exhausted, life is so much fuller. One of my relatives yesterday commented that I seem so much more vibrant and animated compared to the "old" me. (I also have a lot more to talk about!) This journey has made all of that possible.
3 - New Life - I went to a baby shower on Saturday for one of my second cousins. This will be the first baby in the family in a long time and it is always fun to prepare for and enjoy new life. One more month before we get to meet this new little one!
Well, I have to get back to work!