Some prayers needed!
As some of you know my dad has Stage 4 cancer which started in his prostate two and a half years ago....his health has really deteriorated in the last 6 months and this weekend has been no exception. Saturday morning my mom had to call 911 and have him taken to GBMC because of extreme pain in his back. They had to give him a shot of morphine in the ambulance just to get him transported. He has compressed discs (spinal something or another, I can't remember all the medical jargon) and he had radiation earlier this year for that. Anyways, the pain is so bad that he can no longer stand or support his weight. The hospital finally put him on a pain pump this afternoon and he will be in the hospital for awhile until they can determine a course of action. Because of the cancer, surgery is not a safe option so it's either more radiation with pain management or just the pain management. We don't know yet. There is a very high possibility that my father will never walk again but we'll cross that bridge if we have to. The next two days will tell us a lot more.
A number of you met my parents at last years picnic and know how much they mean to me and how close I am to them. My parents are just amazed and impressed with everyone they have met since my WLS journey started. My dad has such an amazing spirit and he has fought all this stuff from Day One and my mom has stayed very strong as well. He has not let anything get him down and that has been a true inspiration to me. Even with him being in the hospital and in pain he's more concerned about me and my BF and his safety than with himself. He truely amazes me at how selfless he is and how much he loves his family and looks out for our well-being. Between my BF getting deployed and watching my dad's health deteriorate it's been a rough and emotional last few months. Right now I am feeling a little helpless because I cannot do anything to change either of these situations and I'm used to being in control. I know I need to just let go and let things run their natural course but that is a little easier said than done. I'm trying though. Thank God my brother and sister are doing well or that might just push me over the edge!!! I guess I'm just asking you to please keep the men in my life in your prayers and thank you for letting me vent.
on 8/17/08 10:19 am - Millersville, MD
on 8/18/08 10:13 am - Millersville, MD